Hickenlooper is now officially thinking of running for president

This is apparently news because, although he has been saying forever that he will, at some point, decide whether to run for president, he's now got a pre-presidential-run Giddy Up PAC to prove he means it. This PAC is designed to raise money to pay for those things required of a potential candidate, including talking to rich people and, of course, taking as many trips as possible to Iowa and New Hampshire.

a March 4 Trumpa supporters declare pride in president, slam opponents

A couple arrives at the rally. Many waving American flags and holding hand-made signs expressing pleasure with the new president, supporters of Donald Trump attended a rally Saturday, March 4, 2017, on the south plaza of the state Capitol in Oklahoma City to express their solidarity with him, his administration and his policies.

Supporters turn out for ‘March 4 Trump’ demonstrations across US

From Colorado's state Capitol to Trump Tower in New York and the Washington Monument, groups of hundreds of people rallied for President Trump Saturday, waving "Deplorables for Trump," signs and even carrying a life-size cutout of the president. The March 4 Trump demonstrations were planned around the country, and supporters clashed with generally smaller groups of counter protesters.

Mike Coffman is a Republican worth voting for

Here on the High Plains, where the deer and the antelope once played, Denver's suburbs roam toward the Rockies' Front Range and the nature of today's polyglot politics is written in the local congressman's campaign schedule. One day last week, Republican Mike Coffman went from a Hispanic charter school in a strip mall, to another strip mall for lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant with leaders of the Ethiopian-American community, then to a meeting with the editor of the largest of two Korean-language newspapers serving more than 3,000 Korean-Americans in the metropolitan area.

How will third-party candidates affect the 2016 election?

Earlier this year, I wrote an article noting that minor-party candidates rarely have much of an impact on U.S. presidential elections. However, if you've been following this election cycle, you'll note that there's good reason to believe that 2016 will be different.