How ‘The Salem Clique’ shaped Oregon politics during state’s early years: Book review

The American historical landscape is dotted with partisan political groups, often labeled rings, machines or cliques. From the first coteries surrounding Federalist John Adams and Democrat Thomas Jefferson, and throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, such political groups surged onto the American political scene.

Universities Cave to Snowflakes

One wonders just how far spineless college administrators will go when it comes to caving in to the demands of campus snowflakes. For those unfamiliar with the term "snowflakes," it is increasingly being used to characterize college students easily traumatized by criticism and politically incorrect phrases.

Beyond The Spin: Alaska Village’s Demise Is More Complicated…

By Bering Land Bridge National Preserve - Shishmaref- Erin edit, CC BY 2.0, The Alaskan village of Shishmaref has voted to relocate because global warming puts its residents at risk of being washed away - or at least that's the simplified narrative environmentalists and the media peddle. Shishmaref, a small town of nearly 600 people just north of the Bering Strait, has become a poster child for global warming.