Dems seen as caving after agreeing to end gov’t shutdown

Sen. Chuck Schumer was seen to cave after Senate Democrats agreed to end the U.S. government shutdown. Democrats are widely viewed as having caved on their pledge to fight for young, undocumented immigrants to remain in the country, after agreeing to end a U.S. government shutdown shortly after supporting it.

Republicans keep taking White House nominees hostage and Trump keeps caving

Together, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst of Iowa, along with Deb Fischer of Nebraska, made Trump squeal last week. Grassley threatened to "hold up EPA nominees" if EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reduced the federally-mandated biofuels quota.

Universities Cave to Snowflakes

One wonders just how far spineless college administrators will go when it comes to caving in to the demands of campus snowflakes. For those unfamiliar with the term "snowflakes," it is increasingly being used to characterize college students easily traumatized by criticism and politically incorrect phrases.