Trump backs 2 successful US Senate nominees in primaries

President Donald Trump backed two successful U.S. Senate nominees in Pennsylvania and Nebraska, which were among four states holding primaries Tuesday. The primaries began to settle swing state Pennsylvania's chaotic congressional landscape after a court fight ended with redrawn districts just three months ago.

The Latest: Trump celebrates Barletta, Fischer primary wins

President Donald Trump is congratulating two of his favored candidates, Lou Barletta in Pennsylvania and Deb Fischer in Nebraska, who won their U.S. Senate primaries. In a pair of tweets Wednesday morning, Trump said Barletta will "represent his people well - like they haven't been represented in many years."

EDITORIAL: The American Bar Association is unqualified to fairly evaluate judicial nominees

Sen. Harry Reid's legacy as a Democratic majority leader is that he eliminated the Senate tradition of requiring two-thirds of the senators to confirm judicial appointees, making it easier for President Obama to pack the courts with liberal activist judges. This so-called nuclear option blew up in the faces of the Democrats last year with the election of a Republican president.

The Latest: Senate bill adds tax break for family leave

A new tax break for businesses that give their workers paid family leave has been put into the Senate Republican tax bill now moving toward approval. The proposal by Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., was included in a late revision to the bill written by Sen. Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

Appeals court nominee Grasz assures senators he would follow court precedent

Omaha attorney Steve Grasz repeatedly assured members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he would adhere to judicial precedent and not allow his personal views to interfere with his judgment if he is confirmed as a nominee to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Republicans keep taking White House nominees hostage and Trump keeps caving

Together, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst of Iowa, along with Deb Fischer of Nebraska, made Trump squeal last week. Grassley threatened to "hold up EPA nominees" if EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reduced the federally-mandated biofuels quota.

August 18, 2017

Today on News: U.S. Senator Deb Fischer hosts another round of listening sessions Two Nebraska women vying to become next 12th Judicial District Judge RWM... -- Boston is adequately prepared for Saturday's "free speech" rally, city officials said, despite the elevated tension and rhetoric that followed th... -- American Jared Tucker was among the 13 people killed in Thursday's vehicle-ramming attack in Barcelona, his family has confirmed.A spokesperson for Tucker's fa... MANHATTAN, Kan. - The Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health was notified in August by the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory tha... Lincoln, Neb.