In U.K., Old Money Makes Way for Wealthy Refugees

A survey conducted in the United Kingdom found that residents are seven times more willing to admit they've contracted a sexually transmitted disease than answer questions about their salary or reveal their household income. That the subject of money is taboo for the British does nothing to diminish their interest in who among them has it.

Hogan Gidley’s Big Lie: We Are Now Respected, We Are Now Feared, We Are Now Beloved

Sweet jesus, I don't know what they're passing around in the West Wing, but it's some serious stuff for people to be this out of touch with reality. Or they've just taken a page about of Goebbel's book on " The Big Lie ": "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

How the Saudis Took Donald Trump for a Ride

It's another Trump affair - this time without the allegations of sexual harassment , the charges and counter-charges, the lawsuits, and all the rest. So it hasn't gotten the sort of headlines that Stormy Daniels has garnered, but when it comes to influence, American foreign policy, and issues of peace and war, it couldn't matter more or be a bigger story .

Oliver North Knows Who Are The REAL Criminals: Those Parkland Kids

Boy, it's been a hell of a week for the NRA's new president, Oliver North, hasn't it? If the notion of celebrating a convicted gun runner for terrorists as the head of the NRA wasn't enough, Oliver North hit the ground running and setting up exactly who the enemy is. Horrifyingly, he's decided it's the teenagers who survived the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

Kelly’s “Family Separation” recalls Slave Era…

John Kelly, White House chief of staff, is an immigrant-hating bigot, as demonstrated by a long series of Draconian statements and measures that would have embarrassed most normal people into a lifetime vow of silence in their wake. Kelly bizarrely defended Confederate slave drivers of the 1860s as having lived at a time before the evils of slavery were apparent to moral people.

Kansas law now forbids police from having sex with people in custody

Officers talk with a woman arrested for possession of heroin before putting her in the back of a police cruiser at a local park in Nashua, NH on Wednesday, August 16, 2017. CREDIT: Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist for The Washington Post via Getty Images As of this week, it is illegal for police in Kansas to have sexual relations with people they've detained in a traffic stop, or are otherwise holding in custody.

How Costa Rica Gets It Right

"Like citizens of a few other countries, Costa Ricans have made clear that inequality is a choice, and that public policies can ensure a greater degree of economic equality and equality of opportunity than the market alone would provide," Stiglitz writes. SAN JOSA< - With authoritarianism and proto-fascism on the rise in so many corners of the world, it is heartening to see a country where citizens are still deeply committed to democratic principles.

WaPo Positions Support for Torturer as Vote for Feminism

Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director Gina Haspel is sworn in before the Senate Intelligence Committee during her confirmation hearing to become the next CIA director in the Hart Senate Office Building May 9, 2018 in Washington, D.C. As the war over Gina Haspel's nomination to lead the Central Intelligence Agency has waged on this week, we've been gifted an incredible batch of corporate media apologias for the CIA's decades-long legacy of torture, extrajudicial killings and civil liberties violations.

Trump needs to take a ‘hands off’ approach when it comes to Robert Mueller

Why am I not surprised that Trump's GOP sycophants and cronies will most likely throw him under the wheels of the bus if he continues to fire nasty verbiage in Robert Mueller's direction? This reality show mastermind, who is the first U.S. President caught up inside an exploding fireworks factory of salacious scandal with none other than a porn queen, has all the grace of a Louisiana cottonmouth. But it seems Trump's big wish is to go down in history as a great military leader, and he plans to utilize "his generals" to grow these laurels for himself.