Sorry, Son, You’re Going To Jail

Trump, Jr., also claimed that the Russian lawyer present, Natalia Veselnitskaya, vaguely discussed "something about individuals connected to Russia supporting or funding Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton or the Democratic National Committee," but when she was pressed for details she switched the topic to the Magnitsky Act, a 2012 law that sanctioned senior Russian officials and prompted an enraged Putin to ban American adoptions of Russian children. Trump, Jr., said that the topic was completely new to him: "Until that day, I had never heard of the Magnitsky Act and had no familiarity with this issue."

Congressman duped by Sacha Baron Cohen whines about coverage, still lists fake award

Two days after blaming his staff for listing a fake award on his website, Rep. Scott Perry hasn't fixed it yet. On Friday, ThinkProgress reported that Rep. Scott Perry had been tricked into listing a fake award on his campaign website.

XMas in August

Summer is not without its downsides, but after a long wait it is finally time for Why Your Team Sucks '18! Imagine being left at the altar by Josh McDaniels, and imagine being SURPRISED by it. Hard to believe such a high-character fellow would do such a thing! We'll never get the real truth as to why McDaniels ditched the Colts, because McDaniels is a proven liar and shitbag.

NRA Having Financial Trouble

The National Rifle Association has said it's suffering from substantial financial issues that could cause the organisation to "be unable to exist". In a recent court filing, the powerful organisation that lobbies on behalf of gun makers, owners and campaigns against almost all gun regulations, said it had lost its media insurance coverage due to an aggressive campaign brought on by New York's Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.

This is why you should be worried about Saturday’s far-right rally in Portland

A far-right rally in Portland, Oregon this Saturday has the potential to turn extremely violent, as members of right-wing groups like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer face off with antifa counter-protesters. It's been nearly one year since the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one counter-protester dead and dozens wounded.

Bipartisan bill calls for ‘crushing sanctions’ against Russia

While the White House remains reluctant to even criticize Russia publicly, Congress has taken another step toward ratcheting up pressure on Moscow following its efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The latest move came Thursday, when a bipartisan group of senators introduced a new package of potential sanctions on Russia.

Manafort didn’t tell bookkeeper about foreign accounts

Paul Manafort inflated his business income by millions of dollars and kept his bookkeeper in the dark about the foreign bank accounts he was using to buy luxury items and pay personal expenses, according to testimony during his trial Thursday. That testimony is important to special counsel Robert Mueller's team as it looks to rebut defense arguments that Manafort can't be responsible for financial fraud because he left the details of his spending to others.

Trump’s latest stunt: Car-mileage rollback

Citing safety, the Trump administration on Thursday proposed rolling back car-mileage standards, backing away from years of government efforts to cut Americans' trips to the gas station and reduce unhealthy, climate-changing tailpipe emissions. If the proposed rule becomes final, it could roil the auto industry as it prepares for new model years and weaken one of the federal government's chief weapons against climate change - regulating emissions from cars and other vehicles.

Mayhem Is Our President

"And all the while, he and his minions continued the overall trashing of American democracy, the deregulatory collapse, trade wars and an immigration policy that still keeps hundreds of children separated from their parents." I know that some find it odious to compare Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler, that doing so violates what's known as Godwin's Law.

Trump Golf Resort Damages Special Nature Site

The spectacular dunes system picked by Donald Trump for his golf resort in Aberdeenshire has been "partially destroyed" as a result of the course's construction, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act have revealed. Scottish Natural Heritage, which has been under pressure for years to speak out on the issue, now acknowledges that serious damage has been done to the site of special scientific interest at Foveran Links on the Menie estate, north of Aberdeen, since the course opened in 2012, the documents show.