Look back at the Clinton campaign in cartoons: Darcy cartoon gallery

Hatchimals were the hot Christmas toy this season that left many parents and kids hot and bothered when the toy didn't perform as advertised. Just as some Hatchimals failed to fully hatch, so to did the Hillary Clinton coronation campaign, leaving all involved with egg on their faces.

Search for missing plane, 6 aboard, yields no clues

In this Aug. 1, 2008 photo, Dublin Irish Festival honorary chairman John T. Fleming proposes at toast following the tapping of the first Dublin Stout Keg at Brazenhead in Dublin, Ohio. A flight-tracking service shows that a plane piloted by the Ohio executive with five other people onboard quickly lost altitude after taking off from Cleveland's lakeshore airport.

Putin congratulates Trump, not Obama, in New Year’s statement

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated US President-elect Donald Trump, rather than President Barack Obama, in his annual New Year's greetings statement to foreign heads of state and government. However, Putin did convey his seasonal greetings to Obama, his family and the American people in a separate statement earlier Friday, while responding to the latest wave of US sanctions against Russia.


The Ellis family's home at the beginning of Hanukkah, left, and early Friday morning when the menorah was vandalized, right. When Naomi and Seth Ellis's young sons said that they wanted lights on their house in Chandler, Ariz., like all their neighbors' Christmas decorations, the parents knew what to tell their three Jewish boys: Yes.

Putin says Russia won’t expel diplomats; Trump offers praise – Fri, 30 Dec 2016 PST

President Vladimir Putin castigated the United States on Friday for trying to punish Russia but said his country will not immediately retaliate and instead will wait for a new U.S. approach by Donald Trump. The president-elect praised Putin's move and called him "very smart."

Putin says Russia wona t expel US diplomats in hacking flap

President Vladimir Putin castigated the United States on Friday for imposing sanctions and expelling Russian diplomats amid allegations of Russian meddling in the American presidential election, but said no U.S. diplomats will be ousted in reprisal for President Barack Obama's moves in the wake of hacking attacks. In a burgeoning controversy surrounding complaints from the Obama administration about a cyberattack against America's political system, the White House on Thursday unleashed a string of sanctions and coupled them with an order that 35 Russians be expelled.

NYC deploying ‘extraordinary assets’ to secure Times Square on New Year’s Eve

New York City officials, including Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYPD Chief James P. O'Neill, made it crystal clear today that they aren't taking any chances when it comes to securing the city for its New Year's Eve celebrations. Sixty-five sand trucks and 100 blocker vehicles are among the "extraordinary assets" the NYPD today said it will deploy around Times Square Dec. 31. That's more security than in previous years and is meant partly to deter the kind of rogue-vehicle attacks used by ISIS-inspired terrorists in Berlin shortly before Christmas and in Nice, France, in July, officials said.

The Latest: 19-year-old arrested in drive-by shooting of boy

Police say a member of the Kennedy family was arrested after a bar fight in the tony resort town of Aspen. The Obama administration will release five possible plans Thursday for limiting mining on federal land in the West to protect the vulnerable greater sage grouse, but it isn't saying which it prefers.

Daredevil skiing INSIDE a glacier captured in nail-biting footage

Munich is famous for its beer halls but it's champagne all the way in the sumptuous Bayerischer Hof hotel - a home from home for the rich and famous From Rihanna's homeland of Barbados to the Bahamas and Jamaica: How to pick the right Caribbean paradise for YOU What IS the etiquette for talking to strangers on public transport? A psychologist reveals all Think YOU had a hard time at the airport? Hilarious images capture weary travellers at the end of their tether Now THAT'S a princely sum! Historic hotel with 74 bedrooms built by the Emperor of Austria could be your renovation project... for A 1million Fly to New York for A 56: Norwegian Air to offer cheapest transatlantic flight yet Is global warming going to cancel the ski season? Popular resorts are completely shut down after no snow falls for a MONTH and temperatures soar leaving 45,000 people out of work A yoke-al brawl! Spanish ... (more)

Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost at least $85 million

As America's first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas' annual trip at $3.5 million or more. In total, the cost of the first family's personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million - though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released, according to the conservative group Judicial Watch based on federal government records.

LIVE! Former world number one Ivanovic retires at age 29

US President-elect Donald Trump poured kerosene on a simmering dispute with Barack Obama today, accusing him of derailing a smooth transition with "inflammatory" statements and "roadblocks." Ever since the November 8 election, Trump and Obama have tried to bury political differences in favour of a united public front that would smooth the transfer of power on January 20. But the Republican president-in-waiting unceremoniously cast any bonhomie aside in a morning twitter tirade from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Pictures Kirsty Anderson Herald&Times Byline picture for Woman Supplement Rebecca McQuillan

HOW many of us have read the following words scribbled on Christmas cards: "2017 has to be better than this year." It might all have been so different: if a few votes had gone the other way last June, the phrase "diplomat-in-chief Boris Johnson" would still be a satirical oxymoron.

The Force Has Left the Building: ‘BradCast’ 12/27/2016

Guest host Nicole Sandler with former CIA analyst and Air America Radio host Jack Rice, who disputes Ray McGovern's assessment of claims that Russia hacked the U.S. election... It's a very white Christmas for many on the right, as 'PDiddie' finds in this year's collection of Holiday toons... Guest: Daniel Nichanian on proactive, state-by-state measures Dems can and must take to expand voting rights; And much more!... Freakishly hot Arctic; New Obama drilling bans; Climate change juiced extreme events: NOAA; Trump voters support carbon regulation; PLUS : Solar now world's cheapest energy... Also: NC's brazen GOP coup a model for nation, and Obama's last ditch efforts to save the planet from Trump... High lead levels in 1000s of towns; Water safe again in Corpus Christi; Int.