Obama hopes to create ‘a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas’

Former President Barack Obama says he aspires to create "a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas" who will pick up the baton in what he describes as the "relay race that is human progress." At a conference in Japan on Sunday, the former president spoke about how he hopes the Obama Foundation, a nonprofit formed in January 2014, will help achieve his post-presidential aims.

Meet the Democratic, Republican Illinois primary election candidates

Illinois voters will have the chance to cast their ballots for an array of candidates in the March 20 primary. A philanthropist and entrepreneur, Pritzker has previously not sought elected office and has worked as a venture capitalist as well as in the nonprofit sector and previously served as the chairman of the Illinois Human Rights commission.

And Now Yountville

TRAUMATIC STRESS Alleged Veterans Home of California shooter and suicide victim Albert Wong had been recently forced to leave a program for veterans with PTSD. State Sen. Bill Dodd was at a meeting in Napa County about wireless emergency alerts this past Friday morning when the emergency alert on his phone went off, along with those of Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore and District 4 Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry.

Five East River helicopter crash victims drowned

Revealed: Five victims in East River helicopter crash DROWNED to death after they became trapped upside down underwater by their safety harnesses New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled the cause of death for all five victims was accidental drowning The victims have been identified as Trevor Cadigan and Brian McDaniel, 26, Carla Vallejos Blanco, Daniel Thompson, 34, and Tristan Hill, 29 The five passengers on board the helicopter that plunged into the East River on Sunday drowned to death after finding themselves trapped upside down by their harnesses. The New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner on Tuesday ruled that the cause of death for all five victims was accidental drowning.

The Latest: China hopes for restart of N. Korea negotiations

In this Jan. 18, 2018 photo provided by NAU Athletics, Northern Arizona's Omar Ndiaye warms up before an NCAA college basketball game against Eastern Washington in Flagstaff, Ariz. Ndiaye does not have a right hand due to a birth defect, but was still talented enough to become a Division I basketball player.

The FBI Paid Geek Squad Employees as Informants

The FBI has been in cahoots with Best Buy's Geek Squad for at least the past decade, new documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation via a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit reveal. An FBI memo obtained by the nonprofit digital rights group reveals that Best Buy in September 2008 hosted a meeting of the law enforcement agency's Cyber Working Group at a Geek Squad repair facility in Kentucky.

Maryland House Unanimously Passes Groundbreaking Legislation as…

"Food & Water Watch applauds the incredible leadership of Delegate Mary Washington and the Baltimore City Delegation in their game-changing work to pass the Water Taxpayer Protection Act in the House of Delegates. This critical piece of legislation will ensure that water bills cannot trigger tax sales in Baltimore City, protecting homeowners, renters and congregations across the City from losing their homes and churches over unaffordable or incorrect water bills.

The woman who started the #MeToo movement is coming to Rutgers

In 2007, the activist founded a nonprofit organization to support victims of sexual harassment and assault along with an awareness campaign centered around two words: Me too. A decade later, she'll give a speech at Rutgers University after the powerful #MeToo movement inspired thousands of women to come forward with stories of sexual assault and harassment, exposing misconduct by powerful men in the media and other industries.

Video Editorial: Is the Days Inn building a landmark?

Mayo Foundation has one of the largest portfolios of investment assets of any nonprofit health care and education-related foundation in the country. A few years ago, Harvard University was at The late and not-so-lamented 2017, with its political conflicts, natural disasters, refugee crises and the threat of nuclear war, is now in the rearview mirror.

The Koch Brothers Plan to Spend a Record-Setting $400 Million

The influential network of policy and political groups backed by billionaires Charles and David Koch plan to grow tenfold in coming years, Charles Koch said Saturday as he welcomed 550 of his likeminded pals assembled in California for a donor summit. All told, the eye on policy and politics will be as much as $400 million, their biggest bucket for a midterm cycle in the groups' histories.

Citizen engagement with Congress reached a high in 2017. How will it fare in 2018?

It's one of several ways for people who aren't lobbyists or donors to engage with the people who govern their lives. Aside from all the solo callers, coordinated efforts that catered to the movement against President Donald Trump - like the Indivisible Guide, 5 Calls and Resistbot - gave direction to constituents , about whom to call, when and about what.

Atheist Group Upset FEMA Will Help Churches Rebuild After Disasters

American Atheists, a nationwide organization, expressed outrage over FEMA's recent policy change making churches eligible for federal relief funds in the wake of natural disasters. The atheist organization, which most recently gained the national spotlight by posting anti-Christmas billboards in several states, railed against the Trump administration for what they called a misapplication of federal law and for giving federal funds to churches that aided the relief efforts and served as emergency shelters and FEMA response bases for their local communities in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.