How my factual statement on Fox News about global warming became a Media Matters outrage

Media Matters is a left-wing propaganda machine created by Clinton sycophant David Brock. Positioned as a non-profit organization designed to target "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media."

If You Oppose the Proposed High-Speed Rail Route, Join…

SECoast , the non-profit group actively and constructively opposing the proposed high-speed rail line through Old Lyme and southeast Connecticut, is holding a fundraiser at the Bee and Thistle Inn on Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. is a locally-directed special project of the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation. Since publicly breaking news of the proposed bypass in January, has been working tirelessly as an effective advocate for Old Lyme and the local area by catalyzing growing regional opposition to the bypass.

Daphne Bramham: Lessons for Canada from how the Koch brothers hijacked democracy

This was supposed to be the year that the American billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch, bought the presidency in their zealous bid to reshape the United States into a libertarian utopia. On the Democratic Party side, outsider Bernie Sanders nearly derailed the well-funded hopes of Hillary Clinton with his appeal to get big money out of politics.

The Clinton Foundation is reportedly laying off dozens of people

Following weeks of controversy on the campaign trail, the Clinton Global Initiative is laying off dozens of people, Politico reports. As the conference arm of Hillary and Bill Clinton's non-profit organization for the last 12 years, CGI has convened world leaders - with the aid of corporate sponsors - to find solutions for big issues like climate change and educating girls.

Black Doctors Call on Obama to Ban Menthol Tobacco Products

African-American doctors are calling on President Barack Obama to ban sales of menthol-flavored cigarettes, which government data show are heavily preferred among black smokers. The African-American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, a nonprofit anti-smoking advocacy group, launched a public campaign this week asking Obama to direct the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to remove all so-called mentholated tobacco products from the marketplace.

Ground broken for Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame

A nonprofit group has broken ground for a building that will honor the veterans who've been inducted into the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame. The groundbreaking on land donated by the American Legion was held Sunday on Indianapolis' northeast side, but construction of the hall of fame building isn't expected to begin until next spring.

Charity watchdog gives Clinton Foundation high marks

A charity watchdog with an ongoing relationship with the Clinton Foundation gave the former first family's nonprofit high marks Thursday, after an evaluation prompted by the heightened interest in the organization. The Clinton Foundation received four out of four stars - the highest rating that Charity Navigator gives after a close look at a charity's finances.

North Cape May Student Awarded Coast Guard Foundation Scholarship

The Coast Guard Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to the education and welfare of all Coast Guard members and their families, announced today that in 2016 it has awarded a record 128 new scholarships. Combined with multi-year scholarship recipients and three Fallen Heroes Scholars, the Foundation is currently supporting 163 students totaling $576,500 in support this year.

Judge: Citizens United must disclose donor information to NY

A nonprofit conservative organization advocating for less government must reveal information about major donors to the state's attorney general if it wants to solicit money in the state, a judge ruled Monday as he rejected First Amendment claims. U.S. District Judge Sidney H. Stein said that states have a strong interest to ensure that charities do not serve as fronts for fraud and crime and the lawsuit by the conservative organization, Citizens United, failed to show that the requirement "lacks a substantial relation to these important governmental interests."

Obamacare Undermined By Its Deal To Allow Profits for Insurance…

There have been dozens if not hundreds of news articles about Aetna leaving the Affordable Health Care Act's online marketplaces in eleven states, and whether this signals serious problems for Obamacare down the road. But none of them have truly explained that what's happening with Aetna is the consequence of a flaw built into Obamacare from the start: It permits insurance companies to make a profit on the basic healthcare package Americans are now legally required to purchase.

Where do Trump and Clinton stand on keeping the internet open?

When the Federal Communications Commission voted to approve net neutrality rules last year, many people saw it as a done deal. Supporters cheered the decision as a victory for the free and open internet, where the deep pockets of big companies couldn't buy faster web speeds over struggling startups.

Hillary Clinton: Foundation ‘looking for partners’

Hillary Clinton said Friday her family's foundation is "looking for partners" to help separate its work from her potential election as president, but again insisted that such an effort would take "a long time." The Democratic candidate was again defending the Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works around the world, as it draws criticism for the nature of its donors and potential for conflict of interest with Clinton's political offices.

Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State

More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money - either personally or through companies or groups - to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.

Foundation Donors Got Face Time With Hillary Clinton

More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money - either personally or through companies or groups - to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.

Indiana gubernatorial debate on education set for Sept. 27

The nonprofit Indiana Debate Commission announced Tuesday that the first debate involving Democrat John Gregg, Republican Eric Holcomb and Libertarian Rex Bell will be held at Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis. The commission says the debate will be during school hours as a town hall-style event involving high school students, teachers and administrators.