Watch Steve Scalise hail police who ‘prevented mass execution’ at GOP baseball practice

U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise on Thursday commended the five police officers who "prevented mass execution" when a gunman opened fire on him and his Republican colleagues at baseball practice. Walking with crutches, the wounded Scalise spoke at a Capitol Police Department awards ceremony honoring the officers in the Capitol in Washington.

Boeing selects Triumph Group as major supplier for its U.S. Air Force T-X offer

If the Air Force awards the contract to Boeing, Triumph's Aerospace Structures business unit, located in Red Oak, Texas, will supply the wing, vertical tail and horizontal tail structures, with opportunities for additional work, generating 950 direct and indirect jobs. "Providing our military with the newest and most advanced training system is crucial to preparing future generations of warfighters," said Congressman Joe Barton who represents the 6th district in Texas where Triumph Aerospace Structures is located.

House heads toward passage of Harvey aid bill, debt hike

Conservative grumbling aside, the House is heading toward backing a $15.3 billion disaster aid package that President Donald Trump and Democrats have linked to a temporary increase in America's borrowing authority and keeping the government funded through December. The House vote on Friday would send the massive package to Trump for his signature, replenishing rapidly dwindling emergency accounts as Florida braces for the impact of Hurricane Irma this weekend and Texas picks up the pieces after the devastation of the Harvey storm.

Republicans stew over Trump deal with Democrats on Hurricane Harvey aid bill

As the Senate on Thursday easily approved $15.25 billion to bolster the federal disaster response to Hurricane Harvey, GOP lawmakers gritted their teeth over provisions added to the bill with the blessing of President Donald Trump which would extend the federal debt limit for three months, and provide for the funding of government operations until December 8. "It's unfortunate, they ought to be separate votes," said Rep. Joe Barton , who predicted he would not be the only Texan on Friday to oppose the Harvey aid bill in the House, all because of the deal that President Trump struck with Democrats, and forced on GOP leaders.

Gunman wounds GOP leader, 3 others

A rifle-wielding attacker opened fire on Republican lawmakers as they practiced for a charity baseball game Wednesday, critically wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and hitting aides and Capitol police as congressmen and others dove for cover. The assailant, who had nursed grievances against President Donald Trump and the GOP, fought a running gun battle with police before he, too, was shot and later died.

GOP Lawmakers Want To Carry Guns After Shooting

Texas Republican Rep. Roger Williams, a player on his party's congressional baseball team, agreed with his colleagues saying that members having firearms would have been better for them when a gunman shot at the team Wednesday morning. Michigan Republican Rep. Mike Bishop, another ball player at the field, said earlier Wednesday that he and his colleagues were "sitting ducks" on the field and Williams agreed telling The Daily Caller at a press conference late Wednesday afternoon: "Well it took the second shot for me to understand what was happening here.

Shooting aftermath at Capitol: House mourns, Senate votes

Alexandria Police Chief Michael Brown briefs the press on the on-going investigation of the shooting at the GOP baseball practice early this morning in Alexandria, Va. . A witness recounts the scene where Majority Whip Leader Rep. Steve Scalise, congressional staff and members of the Capitol Police were shot.

Continue reading Let the healing from ballfield shooting mark the return of political civility

It was another dark day in America, a humid morning punctuated by horrific violence on a baseball diamond in Alexandria, Va., just minutes from the nation's capital. A lone gunman, James Thomas Hodgkinson, opened fire for several minutes Wednesday on Republican lawmakers who were practicing for a bipartisan charity game.

The Latest: Trump says shooting assailant died of injuries; Sanders…

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Congressmen: Baseball shooting suspect asked if they were Republicans or Democrats

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-LA, was among multiple people shot at a baseball practice for GOP lawmakers and staff Wednesday in Alexandria, VA. James Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old from Belleville, IL, is the suspected shooter who opened fire at a GOP lawmakers' baseball practice in Alexandria, VA, on Wednesday.

Congressa top tax man isna t waiting for Trumpa s blessing to get going on an overhaul

Top Republicans in the House of Representatives are prepared to begin public hearings next week on an effort to overhaul the nation's tax code, which threatens to divide Republicans in Congress for the second time in the opening months of President Donald Trump's administration. Republican Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, which oversees the nation's tax policy, is prepared to learn from the mistakes of the failed effort to repeal parts of Obamacare.

How Trump tried – and failed – to make a deal on health care

Shortly after House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., unveiled the Republican health-care plan on March 6, President Donald Trump sat in the Oval Office and queried his advisers: "Is this really a good bill?" And over the next 18 days, until the bill collapsed in the House on Friday afternoon in a humiliating defeat - the sharpest rebuke yet of Trump's young presidency and his negotiating skills - the question continued to nag at the president.

House GOP Heads Into Health Care Vote ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., has been trying to woo undecided Republicans to support the health care bill as a do-or-die vote approaches on Friday. The outcome of Friday's House vote to partially repeal and replace the 2010 health care law is not certain, but one thing is: All parties to the Republican negotiations will walk away with some losses.

The Obamacare replacement bill meets its final hurdle in House Rules Committee

From left, Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., the ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., the ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee, House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden, R-Ore., and Budget Committee Chair Diane Black, R-Tenn., gather in the House Rules Committee to shape the final version of the Republican health care bill before it goes to the floor for debate and a vote, Wednesday, March 22, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Medical providers oppose Trump-backed health plan, Democrats take aim

The top U.S. doctors' organization and several hospital groups came out strongly on Wednesday against a Republican plan backed by President Donald Trump to overhaul America's healthcare system, as Democrats mounted a fierce battle to thwart the bill. Two House of Representatives committees began debating the plan and considering amendments two days after it was unveiled by Republican leaders.

Overnight Energy: Walden wins Energy gavel | Trump looks at Dems to head Energy, Interior

BREAKING: WALDEN TO HEAD ENERGY AND COMMERCE: Rep. Greg Walden will be the next chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Reuters reported Thursday that Trump is considering her for potential spots at the helm of the Interior or Energy Departments, both of which would intersect with Heitkamp's work on energy policies in the Senate.