Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a rising star in Trump’s orbit

In this March 8, 2017, photo, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stands in front of the White House in Washington. Faced with aggressive on-air questioning about the president's wiretapping claims, Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn't flinch, she went folksy.

How Christian conservatives got back in the political game

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump found a receptive audience at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia on January 18, 2016 The demise of the Christian right has been prophesied on numerous occasions, but it's never come to pass. Far from it: with the Trump administration taking shape, the movement is prepared to take power and exert influence at the top of government as never before.

Huckabee: UN Trying to Push Israel Into a ‘Suicide Pact’

With its resolution on Israel, the United Nations is attempting to push Israel into "accepting borders that would essentially be a suicide pact," and the Obama administration was most likely behind the vote, former Gov. Mike Huckabee said Tuesday. "Silence is agreement, and by the U.S. being silent and abstaining [from the vote], they did agree to it, and I think they helped orchestrate it," Huckabee, a strong advocate of Israel, told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program.

Did Trump pass over Huckabee, as he did Giuliani and Christie?

NO FIT: How Huckabee described the outcome of his talk with Donald Trump about a potential role in his administration. The Wall Street Journal says people are taking note that some Donald Trump loyalists, who defended him in the dark hours after the release of the pussy-grabbing comment on video, haven't landed spots yet in his administration.

Betsy DeVos on Common Core, ‘I am not a supporter – period’

President-elect Donald Trump's selection of school choice advocate Betsy DeVos to be his secretary of education aligns with plans he's signaled during the campaign to make school choice and vouchers the focal point of his education agenda. "Under her leadership we will reform the U.S. education system and break the bureaucracy that is holding our children back so that we can deliver world-class education and school choice to all families," Trump said in Tuesday's announcement .

Would Romney trigger a backlash from hardcore Trump supporters?

President-elect Trump shocked the political world by meeting with Mitt Romney and apparently considering him for secretary of state. If he nominates the former Massachusetts governor, would he also demoralize his supporters? Receiving deluge of social media & private comms re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state - Kellyanne Conway November 24, 2016 Early Thanksgiving morning, former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway tweeted an article about Trump loyalists who were opposed to a Romney nomination, saying she was "receiving deluge of social media and private comms" regarding the unsuccessful 2012 Republican presidential nominee.

Mike Huckabee Says Clinton Would Appoint ‘Her Filipino Maid’ To Head CIA

Election night wouldn't be complete without a racist remark from a conservative politician - and Mike Huckabee did not disappoint. Amid Tuesday's vote-counting chaos, Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas and a supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, tweeted a confusing and racist statement.

GOP pollster: Trump up 4 OH, back 3 in PA

Don't like polls from media outlets and academic institutions? Meet Remington Research, which regularly conducts polls for Axiom Strategies, a Republican-oriented consultancy. Both were founded by Jeff Roe, a longtime GOP strategist who has worked at times for Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, specifically on his presidential bid this cycle.

Huckabee says ‘Trump’s gotta be Trump’ in final weeks of campaign

Former presidential candidate and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Monday on "The Kelly File" that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump should resist calls to shift his messaging in the final weeks of the campaign. In the wake of the New York Times report containing an IRS filing that showed Trump used the U.S. tax code to take a nearly $1 billion operating loss in 1995 and may not have had to pay federal taxes for 18 years, Huckabee said that Trump's supporters "don't care what the media says."

Donald Trump Jr. likens Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles

Seeking to promote his father's presidential campaign, the younger Trump posted a tweet featuring a bowl of the candy Skittles with a warning. “If I had a bowl of skittles and I told you just three would kill you, would you take a handful?” said the tweet on the verified @DonaldJTrumpJr handle.

The Latest: Trump brings audio-visual aids to FL rally

The GOP nominee, who usually speaks without the aid of visuals, brought a collection of printed graphs and charts filled with statistics. They include how much various countries donated to the Clinton charitable foundation, how many sentences various presidents have commuted and the percentage of immigrants in the United States.

Huckabee opts for Fox over convention speech

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee won't be speaking at the Republican National Convention this week, opting instead to appear on Fox News as a political contributor. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, had invited his former rival to address the delegates, but the network told Huckabee he'd have to choose between the news set and the convention stage.

Huckabee paying $25,000 for ‘Eye of the Tiger’

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's presidential campaign has agreed to pay $25,000 to settle a lawsuit for using a 1980s rock anthem, "Eye of the Tiger," without the permission of the music's owner, CNN Money said this week. Terms of the settlement between the campaign and Rude Music Inc. are confidential, but details have emerged in recent Federal Election Commission filings.