a Savior Generala Petraeus Gave Us the Wrong Bible

For the last decade, a rough consensus has emerged about the 2006 revised U.S. counterinsurgency manual written by General David Petraeus. Its boosters say it improved Army and Marine Corps tactics against insurgents and led to the deescalation of violence and stabilization of a number of areas in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chelsea Manning denies betraying the U.S., feels like she lives in a ‘dystopian novel’

The question has dogged Chelsea Manning ever since she walked out of prison four months ago - nearly three decades short of a 35-year sentence, courtesy of a commutation from Barack Obama in the last days of his presidency. Is she a traitor? Had the Army private betrayed her country in 2010, when she passed tens of thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks? Or had Manning, as many believe, demonstrated loyalty to the American public by exposing its government institutions? At least once, the question was put to Manning herself.

Letter: Veto hearing aid bill

TRICARE's website states the company's mission is to "enhance the Department of Defense and our nation's security by providing health support for the full range of military operations and sustaining the health of all those entrusted to our care." I am a married 66-year-old veteran with three grown children.

Chelsea Manning released after 7 years in military prison

Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the transgender soldier convicted of giving classified government materials to WikiLeaks, was released from a Kansas military prison early Wednesday after serving seven years of her 35-year sentence. U.S. Army spokeswoman Cynthia Smith told The Associated Press that Manning was released from Fort Leavenworth military prison, but that she couldn't provide any further details.

Chelsea Manning Set for Release After Seven Years in Prison an hour ago

Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the transgender soldier convicted of giving classified government materials to WikiLeaks, is due to be released from a Kansas military prison on Wednesday after serving seven years of her 35-year sentence. President Barack Obama granted Manning clemency in his final days in office in January.

Why Manning’s Commutation Likely Won’t Mean Leniency for Snowden

Since then, Snowden has been living in Russia where he was granted political asylum while wanted by the U.S. Department of Justice on charges of violating the Espionage Act. Manning, who is currently imprisoned at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, has been incarcerated since her arrest in 2010 for turning over military and diplomatic information to Wikileaks.

Chelsea Manninga s among sentences cut by Obama; other, including Paradise man, pardoned

Washington >> President Barack Obama commuted the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning on Tuesday, allowing the Army intelligence officer who leaked scores of classified documents to go free nearly three decades early. Manning, who will leave prison in May, was one of 209 inmates whose sentences Obama was shortening, a list that includes Puerto Rican nationalist Oscar Lopez-Rivera.

Pressure on Obama to grant last-minute pardons, commutations

Under mounting pressure to free convicts as a last act, President Barack Obama is planning at least one more batch of pardons and commutations before leaving office in two weeks, but don't expect many famous offenders to make the list. The list of bold names appealing to Obama for compassion in his final weeks includes accused leaker Chelsea Manning, former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Army Sgt.

Chelsea Manning on Hunger Strike Citing Lack of Medical Treatment

Chelsea Manning began a hunger strike Friday at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where she is serving a 35-year sentence for the leaking of hundreds of thousands of classified documents. Manning is seeking written assurances from the Army that she will receive the medical treatments for her gender dysphoria beyond the hormone treatment she began in early 2015.