NM Cap Entity addresses second amendment to Jpa 061118 part 1

As there was no public input at the beginning of the New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity meeting on Monday, June 11, 2018, after preliminary approvals of agenda and minutes, the members got straight into the business of the day. The first item of old business was to discuss the changed language in the second amendment to the joint powers agreement.

Domenici Conference at NMSU celebrates 10 years, focuses on foreign policy, workforce issues

The 2017 Domenici Public Policy Conference at New Mexico State University will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the conference, and this year's topics will highlight U.S. foreign policy, equity in education and workforce issues. Antonia Novello, the country's first female and first Hispanic Surgeon General, is scheduled to speak at the 2017 Domenici Public Policy Conference.

NM Cap Entity holds work session instead of full meeting 04182017

At the beginning of the New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity meeting on Tuesday afternoon, April 18, 2017, after members present and those on the phone had introduced themselves, it was brought to their attention that the meeting had not been properly noticed. Claudia Duerinck of Gila said the official notice of the meeting time in the Silver City Daily Press had said 9 a.m., instead of 1 p.m. "I suggest you hold a work session, since you cannot legally conduct business."