Lobbyist tied to Pruitt pushed clienta s committee candidates

The lobbyist whose wife rented a condo to Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt at $50 a night sought EPA committee posts for a lobbying client, according to a newly released EPA memo. J. Steven Hart's seeking those appointments from his wife's former tenant, Pruitt, shows "the extent to which the special interests providing him with gifts have sought specific favors from EPA in return," said Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey, the senior Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Memo: Pruitt landlord’s husband sought EPA work for client

The lobbyist whose wife rented a condo to Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt at $50 a night sought EPA committee posts for a lobbying client, according to a newly released EPA memo. J. Steven Hart's seeking those appointments from his wife's former tenant, Pruitt, shows "the extent to which the special interests providing him with gifts have sought specific favors from EPA in return," said Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey, the senior Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Montana beef to China

Fred Wacker, owner/operator of the Cross Four Ranch at Miles City, MT is one of the cattle producers involved in the agreement to ship Montana-sourced beef to China. Fred Wacker, owner/operator of the Cross Four Ranch at Miles City, MT is one of the cattle producers involved in the agreement to ship Montana-sourced beef to China.

NC Lawmakers Want to Shield Factory Farms from Big Damage Payments to Victims

Buzzards alight on a carcass in what's known as a "dead box" at a North Carolina hog farm, among the various sources of noxious odors emitted by the state's industrial swine operations. A bill now moving through the state legislature would limit the amount of damages that could be collected in civil lawsuits by plaintiffs found to be harmed by the industry's practices.