Students advancing conversations about consent

High school juniors Emily Agiuto and Isabella Todaro talk to Washington Congresswoman Suzan DelBene about the discussions they have with peers about sexual harassment and consent at Planned Parenthood on Friday, Jan. 12. The Teen Council members said something they do with students is hand out around 40 cards with different scenarios on them and have their peers place them on a board, under either consent, non consent and unsure. DelBene has introduced legislation that would eliminate tax breaks that corporations currently receive through deductions from settlements paid to victims of sexual misconduct, as well as insurance premiums and attorney's fees.

DelBene, Jayapal join call for probe of Trump sexual misconduct

U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash, says women making accusations of sexual misconduct against President Trump "should be heard." U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash, says women making accusations of sexual misconduct against President Trump "should be heard."

Connelly: Seattle mayor, State Senate, attack ads center stage in 2017 vote

Manka Dhingra, a senior deputy King County Prosecutor, carries Democrats' hopes in the pivotal 45th District State Senate race, which could give Democrats control of the Washington Legislature. Manka Dhingra, a senior deputy King County Prosecutor, carries Democrats' hopes in the pivotal 45th District State Senate race, which could give Democrats control of the Washington Legislature.

Congress must stop soft ‘earmarking’ in Pentagon spending bill

Sometime on Sunday the House Appropriations Committee released its "Chairman's Mark" of the Fiscal Year 2018 spending bill for the Pentagon. And late Monday night the Defense subcommittee met in closed session to produce the opening salvo in the Pentagon spending battle.

As the Feds Detained Banned Travelers at Sea-Tac, Local Political…

As chaos unfolded at airports across the country on Saturday, it quickly became clear that officials ranging from frontline border patrol agents to high-ranking members of the administration were unprepared for President Donald Trump's travel ban. In Washington, that turmoil translated to a group of state and federal leaders unable to find answers to questions as basic as how many people were being detained at Sea-Tac International Airport.

Trumpa s impending presidency sparks a surge in calls to Planned Parenthood

Emily Kadar, right, and Debra Cooper participate in a rally to condemn President-elect Donald Trump's remar ks about women and abortion on March 31, 2016, in New York. Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., right, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., listen as Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., speaks to members of the media on Capitol Hill in Washington on Dec. 1, 2015, regarding the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.