Lawsuit Says Wal-Mart Mislabeled Organic Eggs

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. misled U.S. shoppers by selling organic eggs laid by hens raised in enclosed structures under package labels that said the birds had access to the outdoors, a federal lawsuit alleged on Monday. The suit highlights uncertainty among consumers about production practices in the $500 million organic egg industry, farmers said, after the U.S. Department of Agriculture last month shelved plans to spell out for the first time what it means for birds to have access to the outdoors.

Kees pick for U.S. attorney

President Donald Trump has nominated an ethics and compliance director at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to be the next U.S. attorney for the Western District of Arkansas. Duane A. Kees, known as "Dak," currently focuses on corporate investigations for the Bentonville-based retailer, according to a news release the White House sent out Friday.

News in brief

A Fayetteville judge ordered Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Chief Executive Officer Doug McMillon to answer questions in a shareholders lawsuit accusing the retailer of defrauding investors by covering up a Mexican bribery scheme. U.S. District Judge Susan Hickey denied Wal-Mart's motion Thursday seeking a protective order prohibiting the CEO's deposition in the class-action case.

WAT? Trump a Policy Foruma Loaded with Immigration Enthusiasts

President-elect Donald Trump is establishing a Strategic and Policy Forum, which will meet with him for the first time at the White House in February, to share ideas with Trump as he "implements his plan to bring back jobs," according to Trump's transition team. The Forum will be comprised of many business leaders, but at least three of the 16 members have a history of supporting the importation of foreign workers.