Congress faces difficult issues when it returns this week

Congress faces a jam-packed to-do list when it returns this week, with deadlines looming on difficult issues - including how to fund the government and avoid a shutdown, stabilizing the nation's health-insurance program for poor children, and whether to shield young undocumented immigrants from deportation. Fresh off a party-line vote to overhaul the tax code, the negotiations will test whether Congress and the White House still have the potential to craft any form of bipartisan agreement.

Poll: Trump and GOP never intended to strike a bipartisan tax deal

As Republicans rush their tax bill to the House and Senate floors for a final round of votes, a new poll shows that Americans do not believe that the GOP, in crafting the controversial legislation, reached out in good faith to Democrats. Only 27% say Republicans and President Trump sought meaningful input from their partisan opponents on Capitol Hill, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

The GOP’s Deficit Trigger is a Self-Deceiving Budget Gimmick

Securing the votes to pass a tax bill has always presented a dilemma for Republicans: On the one hand, they want to advertise the plan as a broad tax cut, and appeal to legislators who simply want to cut taxes and not worry about the budgetary effects. On the other hand, they want to avoid the appearance of raising the deficit too much in order to appease the party's deficit hawks.

Eric Brakey says he may seek U.S. Senate seat

After winning re-election last month by a wide margin, 28-year-old state Sen. Eric Brakey is eyeing what might come next. He has ruled out a possible gubernatorial bid in 2018 but hedged on whether he might take aim at U.S. Sen. Angus King, an independent who plans to seek a second term as Maine's junior senator.