Republican voters pick party-backed favorite for lieutenant governor

GOP gubernatorial candidate, state Sen. Scott Wagner, R-York, hugs his running mate Jeff Bartos during a campaign stop at the Dauphin County Republican Committee offices in Susquehanna Township the day before the 2018 primary election. They won the GOP primary for governor and lieutenant governor.( A Montgomery County real estate developer who abandoned plans to run for the U.S. Senate last year to compete for lieutenant governor handily won the Republican nomination Tuesday night.

Donald Trump Jr.: ‘It’s Important to Elect Republicans Who Will Work With the President’

On the last day of the campaign for the special election in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District, Donald Trump Jr. toured a candy factory in Washington County to urge locals to turn out for Rick Saccone, the Republican running for the House seat against Democrat Conor Lamb. Trump was the third member of his family to visit the district in the past few weeks in an all-out effort to help bring Saccone over a finish line that he has been lagging behind in the past 10 days.

Flood summit draws crowd at Washington City Hall

Mike DeBess a planner and civil engineer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District talks to municipality representatives during a flood summit at Washington City Council Municipality representitives and and county citizens fill Washington City Council chambers to present their issues with flooding to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and ... (more)

Dems choose Mt. Lebanon man to run for Murphy’s vacant Congressional seat

Conor Lamb, Democratic nominee for the special election in the 18th Congressional District, greets well-wishers after the second round of balloting Nov. 19 at Washington High School. Conor Lamb, Democratic nominee for the special election in the 18th Congressional District, greets well-wishers after the second round of balloting Nov. 19 at Washington High School.