Republican voters pick party-backed favorite for lieutenant governor

GOP gubernatorial candidate, state Sen. Scott Wagner, R-York, hugs his running mate Jeff Bartos during a campaign stop at the Dauphin County Republican Committee offices in Susquehanna Township the day before the 2018 primary election. They won the GOP primary for governor and lieutenant governor.( A Montgomery County real estate developer who abandoned plans to run for the U.S. Senate last year to compete for lieutenant governor handily won the Republican nomination Tuesday night.

In Pennsylvania, women who voted for Trump voice support after first year

The first year of Donald Trump's unorthodox presidency may have been a dizzying ride, but Belinda Miller has never regretted voting for him in 2016. "My 401 and my 403 have soared, and if anybody doesn't realize that, they've been asleep for a year," said Miller, a 50-year-old emergency room nurse from Audubon, Pennsylvania, referring to her retirement accounts' growth in a booming stock market.

Cosby’s Attorney Asks to Have Trial Moved

The attorney for Bill Cosby in his criminal trial for sexual assault filed a motion Friday to have the case moved out of Montgomery County because, in part, "prospective jurors in Montgomery County have been uniquely subjected to extensive, sustained, and pervasive negative coverage of the case." The motion did not recommend a new venue for the case, but attorney Brian McMonagle asked Common Pleas Judge Steven O'Neill to either grant the request for hold a hearing to discuss a change of venue further.


In January DONALD TRUMP told HoWIE CARR it would be interesting to ask Bill Clinton the difference between him and Bill Cosby. The disgraced comedian, 78, learned the news inside a Norristown, Pennsylvania courtroom on Tuesday after Montgomery County prosecutors spent the morning presenting their case to the judge and laying out why they believe they have enough evidence to send the case to trial.