‘Grotesque Spectacle’: Cuban Foreign Minister Slams Trump

Cuba's Foreign Minister lashed out at Donald Trump's decision to restrict U.S. travel and business with his country on Monday, calling the president's announcement last week "a grotesque spectacle that came out of the Cold War." "There will not be a presidential directive from the U.S. that will alter the direction of Cuba," Bruno Rodriguez told journalists in Vienna, where he was meeting with Austrian officials.

Havana hails end to special US immigration policy for Cubans

The Cuban government hailed President Barack Obama's decision ending automatic legal residency for any Cuban who touches U.S. soil, while ordinary citizens mourned the end of an easy pathway to a new life in the United States. Average Cubans and opponents of the island's communist leaders said they expected pressure for reform to increase with the elimination of a mechanism that siphoned off the island's most dissatisfied citizens and turned them into sources of remittances supporting relatives who remained on the island.