What’s in the JFK files?

President Donald Trump announced Saturday morning that he planned to release the tens of thousands of never-before-seen documents left in the files related to President John F. Kennedy's assassination held by the National Archives and Records Administration. "Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened," Trump tweeted early Saturday.

Trump plans to release of JFK assassination documents despite concerns from agencies

President Donald Trump announced Saturday morning that he planned to release the tens of thousands of never-before-seen documents left in the files related to President John F. Kennedy's assassination held by the National Archives and Records Administration. "Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened," Trump tweeted early Saturday.

Wishing for Trump’s impeachment? 5 reasons the next president could be even more dangerous

From the moment he was elected, liberals have clung to the possibility, however remote, that Donald Trump will be removed from office. They've fallen for the conspiracy theories of , and continue to hold out hope the Mueller investigation will bring his corrupt presidency crashing down.

Barack Obama

Stepping into the political spotlight for the first time since leaving the White House in January, Mr Obama did not mention President Donald Trump in two campaign speeches, but he did tell crowds that they could send a message to the rest of the country in forthcoming elections. He told a rally in Virginia in front of several thousand supporters: "Why are we deliberately trying to misunderstand each other, and be cruel to each other and put each other down? That's not who we are."

Alex Jones’ week of irresponsible Las Vegas shooting conspiracy theories

Jones has recklessly accused a multitude of people and groups of being involved in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history Hours after the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, America's most famous conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, took to the airwaves to name the culprit as a "leftist" who was "angry about Trump" before connecting the shooting to the 100-year anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution -- and Jones was just getting started. No credible reporting had said anything of the sort.

Strange days: Trump-backed candidate loses Alabama primary to firebrand conservative

A United States Senate primary run-off election in the deep red Republican state of Alabama would not, in normal times, be a big deal. This vote was to decide the Republican candidate for the Senate seat left open by the appointment of Jeff Sessions as US President Donald Trump's Attorney-General.

Jordan Klepper Trolls Trump Fans with ‘Impeach Hillary’ Campaign

Former Daily Show correspondent Jordan Klepper's new Comedy Central show The Opposition does not premiere until September 25. But as we can see from the first clip of the new series, he is already hard at work. Klepper, who channels an Alex Jones-type conspiracy theorist character on the show, traveled to Phoenix, Arizona for Donald Trump's raucous rally last month.

Louise Mensch Fires Her Lawyer On Twitter

Anti-Trump conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch fired an attorney representing her pro-bono in a Russia-related lawsuit on Wednesday, and she did it all in public view on Twitter. Mensch, a former member of the British parliament, fired Mark Zaid after he got into a disagreement with former Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin.

Firefighter Prophet: Illuminati Is Changing Our DNA To Make Us Hate Trump

This explains so much --it's the Illuminati and the Freemasons, up to their old tricks! Via Right Wing Watch , this important interview "firefighter prophet" and right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor, author of "The Trump Prophecies," on Sheila Zilinsky's radio program: "I believe what happened on November 8 is the enemy has literally sent out a frequency," Taylor said, "and it agitated and took control, basically, of those who have their DNA that was turned over to the enemy. That's what's happening.

Oh my: FBI stops “Fight Club” bomber in Oklahoma

Score one for the FBI in the pursuit against domestic terrorists, and mark down yet another weird and obscure conspiracy theory about government. The Department of Justice announced the arrest of Jerry Varnell in Oklahoma after he conspired to blow up the Federal Reserve building, attempting to follow in Timothy McVeigh's footsteps but perhaps with a lower death toll.

Evidence shows that freedom works

I know many Democrats and progressives who continue to be frustrated by the conservative Republicans who have controlled the North Carolina General Assembly since 2010. The Left has spent years stating and restating its standard narrative about our state: that North Carolina has historically grown faster and been more successful than other Southern states because it was more willing to spend tax dollars on higher education, infrastructure, and other government programs.

A 27-year-old DNC staffer was shot and killed in DC – and his…

A 27-year-old DNC staffer was shot and killed in DC - and his mysterious death led to a lawsuit against Fox News After Seth Rich was shot and killed in July 2016, a conspiracy theory emerged that his death was connected to the Democratic party's email scandal. A lawsuit by one of the people quoted in the article alleges Fox News published it to draw attention away from President Donald Trump and the Russia investigation.