Clash over abortion hobbles a health bill. Again. Here’s how.

The Affordable Care Act very nearly failed to become law due to an intraparty dispute among Democrats over how to handle the abortion issue. Now a similar argument between Democrats and Republicans is slowing progress on a bill that could help cut soaring premiums and shore up the ACA.

Judge dismisses public-pay abortion challenge, appeal next

AP photo Illinois Assistant Attorney General John Wolfsmith argues in Sangamon County Circuit Court in Springfield, Ill., Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017, against a lawsuit challenging a law allowing publicly financed abortions set to take effect Monday, Jan. 1, 2018. Wolfsmith said the plaintiffs in the case, 11 Christian and conservative groups and a dozen state legislators, were trying to stall for time by delaying implementation of the law to June 1. A judge dismissed the lawsuit, saying the plaintiffs' arguments are "political questions" best left to the General Assembly.

Alec Baldwin’s Advice to Kathy Griffin on Trump Brouhaha:…

"No 1 believes u meant 2 threaten Trump," tweets Baldwin, who also resurrects his insane Henry Hyde rant from the '90s Alec Baldwin, a survivor of public scorn and a notorious liberal, has shared some encouraging words with embattled comedian Kathy Griffin. Because Alec Baldwin.

Proposed casino legislation dictates more bankruptcy, education losses for Illinois

In Illinois, Lincoln's essential premise of "government of the people, by the people and for the people" has been corrupted into "government of the casinos, by the casinos, and for the casinos"-as exemplified by the new casino legislation in Senate Bill 7. In 2015, U.S. Congressional hearings highlighted that much of the Illinois bankruptcy was precipitated by $35 billion to $100 billion in giveaways since 1990 to gambling interests - diverting funds particularly away from essential education funding. For example, the original 10 Illinois casino licenses worth $5 billion were given away for only $25,000 each to political insiders, including one insider who thereafter went to prison.