Fundraiser will boost reward fund for missing teens

Members of a Facebook group dedicated to the search for missing Yolo County teens Enrique Rios and Elijah Moore will hold a fundraiser Sunday, June 4, to bolster FBI rewards that have been offered for information about their whereabouts. "Angels for Enrique and Elijah Silent Auction" will run from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall, 415 Second St. in downtown Davis.

Rice farmer expresses confidence in Sites Reservoir

The long-proposed Sites Reservoir in Northern California is “going to get built” but it will be a challenge, according to Woodland-based rice farmer Fritz Durst. Durst was speaking to the Woodland Chamber of Commerce Water Committee Tuesday morning and while he remains confident the Maxwell-area reservoir will one day be completed, he said there are challenges.

The Latest: Sheriff: Evacuation may not end until fixes made

A state school official says any school forced to close because of evacuations may be able to recover attendance funding, the main revenue source for local districts. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson says he has directed his staff to help affected school administrators to apply for waivers due to school closures.