Independent candidate Oz Griebel, left, speaks as Republican…

Independent candidate Oz Griebel, left, speaks as Republican candidate Bob Stefanowski, center, and Democratic candidate Ned Lamont, right, listen during a gubernatorial debate at the University of Connecticut In a debate Wednesday at the University of Connecticut, Griebel, who was barred from the first two debates between Republican Bob Stefanowski and Democrat Ned Lamont because of low polling numbers, shared a stage with the two major party candidates in front of an audience made up, primarily, of millennials. But adding a third candidate to the mix changed the dynamic only slightly - Lamont often addressed Griebel, quoting him on certain issues and even calling him a Republican at one point.

‘Betsy DeVos, how do you sleep at night?’ LGBTQ advocates project …

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos apparently wasn't around to see it, but a message to her was projected on the Education Department's headquarters in Washington about policy on LGBTQ youth, asking, "How do you sleep at night?" The Human Rights Campaign, with artist Robin Bell, displayed data Wednesday night from a recently released survey revealing experiences of about 12,000 LGBTQ teens, taking aim at Trump administration policies that advocates say have targeted these young people. The survey was conducted by the Human Rights Campaign - the largest civil rights organization working in the United States to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people - and University of Connecticut researchers.

UConn to review conservative speaker appearance

The University of Connecticut is reviewing plans by a Republican student group to bring in a well-known conservative speaker, two months after a speech by another right-wing pundit led to the arrests of him and a protester. UConn's College Republicans are again sponsoring the talk, this time by Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of conservative news and commentary site The Daily Wire, whose appearance at the University of California, Berkeley in the fall sparked protests.

Conservative speaker arrested at UConn blames students

A group of wealthy homeowners whose private street was auctioned off after years of unpaid property taxes is asking San Francisco leaders to reverse the sale. A group of wealthy homeowners whose private street was auctioned off after years of unpaid property taxes is asking San Francisco leaders to reverse the sale.