Teacher Shows Videos Of Abortion, Now The School Isn’t Happy About It

A teacher has landed in hot water after showing graphic depictions of abortion during a middle school class on sexual education. After students from Sutter Middle School came home and told their parents what they'd seen, the Sacramento City Unified School District launched an investigation to identify exactly what the teacher has espoused in the classroom to determine if the material was in fact inappropriate for middle schoolers.

GOP avoids shutout in race for California governor

FILE - In this May 23, 2018, file photo, Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox address supporters at the Sacramento County Republican Party headquarters in Sacramento, Calif. Tuesday's primary election will set ... LOS ANGELES - Democrat Gavin Newsom won Tuesday's primary in the race for California governor and Republican John Cox finished in a strong second place, ensuring Republicans won't be shut out of the race to replace retiring Gov. Jerry Brown.

Assemblyman Jim Frazier urges Sens. Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris to oppose tunnels

Assemblyman Jim Frazier, D-Solano, co-chair of the California Delta Legislative Caucus, has asked California's two U.S. senators to oppose a rider inserted into a congressional bill that would exempt the proposed twin tunnels project for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta – dubbed WaterFix – from legal challenges under state or federal law. Sixteen additional lawmakers in the State Legislature also signed the letter, which was released Friday.

We’ve studied the WaterFix protect for years. It’s time to build it, not sue over it

The confluence of the American River, left, and the Sacramento River, northeast of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. To the editor: I agree with Jacques Leslie - the language in my bill is indeed intended to blow up the roadblocks built by radical environmentalists who desperately want to kill a project that will provide a clean, reliable water supply for 25 million Californians.

Charter backers outspend teachers in 2 California races

Richard Pedrocelli-Associated Press Archives California gubernatorial candidate, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a Democrat, discusses the state's housing problems at a conference in Sacramento. Charter school advocates are far outpacing teachers unions in spending to support candidates for California governor and state schools chief.

Supreme Court’s embrace of states’ rights could aid California in …

The Supreme Court decision upholding states' rights to offer sports betting was backed mostly by conservative justices, but it may also give a boost to California and other liberal states that are defying the Trump administration's drive for stricter immigration enforcement. At issue on both fronts - sports betting and immigration - is whether Washington can require states to enforce a federal policy, or instead, whether they are free to go their own way.

The fake news Russians hear at home

Chula Vista school mural depicts severed, speared Trump head - A portion of a mural depicting President Trump's severed head on a spear has been covered up at MAAC Community Charter School in Chula Vista and will be repainted. - A Chula Vista school mural that depicts the bloody California Now World's 5th Largest Economy, Surpassing UK - SACRAMENTO, Calif.

These two incumbents were out-raised by challengers in races for Inland legislative seats

Two challengers have out-raised incumbents in races for a pair of Assembly seats that represent the Inland Empire in Sacramento, according to the latest round of campaign finance reports. In the 60th Assembly District, Republican Bill Essayli out-raised Assemblywoman Sabrina Cervantes, D-Riverside in what's shaping up to be a potentially competitive and expensive race that could upend the Democrats' two-thirds, supermajority control of the state legislature.

DNA search for California serial killer led to the wrong man

Joseph James DeAngelo, 72, who authorities suspect is the so-called Golden State Killer responsible for at least a dozen murders and 50 rapes in the 1970s and 80s, is accompanied by Sacramento County Public Defender Diane Howard, right, as he makes his first appearance, Friday, April 27, 2018, in Sacramento County Superior Court in Sacramento, Calif. SACRAMENTO, Calif.

Lawyer: Suspect in serial killing case being tried in press

T. Abbott, left, and John Lopes, right, from the Sacramento County Sheriff's crime scene investigation office, conference about boxes of evidence gathered from the home of murder suspect Joseph DeAngelo, Thursday, April 26,... . This undated photo released by the FBI shows a home invasion ransacking by an attacker who became known as the "East Area Rapist" at an unknown location in California.

GOP attorneys general support citizenship question on census

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra , accompanied by Gov. Jerry Brown March 7 discusses remarks made by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in Sacramento, Calif. Becerra, a Democrat, filed a federal lawsuit immediately after U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced a citizenship question would be added to the 2020 census.

Walters: Victims are paying a price for California’s feud with Trump

The long-distance spitting match between President Donald Trump's Republican administration in Washington and California's Democratic politicians in Sacramento over just about everything is either high drama or low comedy. The two sides are clearly looking for opportunities to do battle in the media and in the courts, often over the most innocuous ministerial issues.

Backpage.com CEO pleads guilty, will testify against others

In this Jan. 10, 2017 file photo Backpage.com CEO Carl Ferrer appears before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent subcommittee on Investigations looking into Backpage.com. Ferrer will serve no more than five years in state prison under a plea agreement announced Thursday, April 12, 2018.

Protests in California after shooting of black man

About 200 demonstrators squared off with police in riot gear overnight in Sacramento, California, and more protests are planned for today, after an autopsy on Stephon Clark contradicted the police account of the shooting of the unarmed black man. Waving signs and chanting the 22-year-old's name in unison, the protesters gathered at city hall before marching into the Old Sacramento part of the city, filled with bars, restaurants and tourists.

Trump loses a trusted aide, White House anxiety lingers

President Donald Trump waves with outgoing White House Communications Director Hope Hicks before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Thursday, March 29, 2018, for a short trip to Andrews Air... . Protestors march down a street block an after the funeral for police shooting victim Stephon Clark, in Sacramento, Calif., Thursday, March 29, 2018.