President Trumpa s Space Force prepares for launch

President Donald Trump's call for a "Space Force" may sound like something out of this world, but it's set to come one step closer to reality this week when the Pentagon is expected to deliver to Congress its plans to strengthen the Defense Department's space efforts. ' But the Pentagon's plan could fall short of Trump's stated wish to add a sixth military service, which would require an act of Congress.

House panel votes to put nuclear-arms treaty with Russia in Trump’s hands

The House Armed Services Committee has moved toward nullifying a 30-year-old nuclear-arms-control treaty with Russia, endorsing a measure that would entrust President Donald Trump to decide whether the United States should scrap the deal. The Republican-led measure, which was added around midnight Thursday to a draft of next year's defense spending bill, states that the United States will no longer consider the treaty binding without White House verification of Russia's full compliance.

Continue reading Liberal democracy could die young if we’re not careful

The defenders of what's called the "liberal international order" have recently suffered setbacks from adversaries inside and outside their home countries. But those who want to see the Western-led post-World War II system survive or even thrive are plotting its resurrection.

Top US officials tell the world to ignore Donald Trump’s tweets

Amid global anxiety about US President Donald Trump's approach to global affairs, US officials had a message to a gathering of Europe's foreign policy elite this weekend: pay no attention to the man tweeting behind the curtain. US lawmakers - both Democrats and Republicans - and top national security officials in the Trump administration offered the same advice publicly and privately, often clashing with Trump's Twitter stream: the United States remains staunchly committed to its European allies, is furious with the Kremlin about election interference and isn't contemplating a pre-emptive strike on North Korea to halt its nuclear programme.

Lawmaker wants fellow Republican’s deposition in divorce

In an interview Tuesday evening, Rep. Darrell Issa confirmed he received a letter from Rep. Mike Turner last week seeking a deposition in Turner's divorce from Majida Mourad. "He's looking to do discovery for something I don't know or understand, and I think a little bit of it's been blown out of proportion," Issa, R-California, said.

GOP Says It’s Getting Close On Health Care, But The Votes Still Aren’t There

The White House and congressional GOP leaders swear they're closer to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act , but a vote on the Republican health care plan may be further off than President Donald Trump hopes or thinks, as support among the rank-and-file is squishy and opposition among moderates doesn't look any less fierce than days before. on the health care bill, but that may just be another false start.

Rep. Turner calls Comey hearing ‘highly speculative’

On a day that saw FBI Director James Comey testify before the House Intelligence Committee, Erin Burnett made the issue the focus of her evening news program by welcoming a man who was in the room as the testimony was given. Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio is a Republican member of the Intelligence Committee, and cautioned anyone from forming opinions based solely on what Comey shared Monday morning.