Medicinal pot advice OK at VA but no Rxs

Once Arkansas allows medical marijuana sales, veterans in the care of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs physicians can discuss the drug with their doctors, but that's it. In the federal government's eyes, marijuana is an illegal, Schedule 1 controlled substance, meaning the VA won't recommend, prescribe or pay for cannabis.

Planned Parenthood asks Supreme Court to restore injunction on medical abortion

Planned Parenthood Great Plains today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review and correct the 8th Circuit Court of Appeal's July ruling that would allow the state to effectively ban the safest abortion procedure - the administration of drugs that would trigger miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. At issue is Arkansas's Act 557 of 2015, which requires physicians who provide medical abortion - including Arkansas's two Planned Parenthood Clinics and Little Rock Family Planning Services - to contract with a second physician with hospital privileges.

Filing defends laws on abortion

A federal judge's July 28 order blocking the enforcement of four abortion-restricting laws enacted this year by the Arkansas General Assembly should be reversed, attorneys for the state have argued in a 59-page brief filed at the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis. a Act 45, which would have taken effect July 30 and bans a common second-trimester procedure, dilation and evacuation, that supporters of the law have called "particularly barbaric" but foes say is the safest second-trimester abortion method available in outpatient facilities.

Arkansas court grants inmate’s bid to halt execution

In this on Oct. 4, 2017, frame grab from video, Arkansas death row inmate Jack Greene appears before the state parole board at a prison in Varner, Ark. Greene is scheduled to die Nov. 9, 2017, but his lawyers are arguing that he is severely mentally ill and that, as a result of that, he sticks strands of tissue into his ears and nose to the point that they become bloody.

Mike Huckabee: ‘Easier to find Bigfoot and Amelia Earhart’ than it is …

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee claimed Sunday it would be nearly impossible to prove collusion between President Trump's associates and Russia. "I think that it's easier to find Bigfoot and Amelia Earhart than it is to find collusion between the Russians and Donald Trump," Huckabee told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning.

Look whoa s talking: Ita s President Donald Trump a ” again

By CATHERINE LUCEY and KEN THOMAS, Associated Press WASHINGTON - Reporters were seated in the White House briefing room awaiting an appearance by press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday when a call went out over a loudspeaker to head to the Rose Garden. There was no time to lose: President Donald Trump wanted to talk.

Arkansas governor: Changes needed to Senate health care bill

John Hatcher, right, and Ethan Williams, both of Jonesboro, hold up signs for passing motorists while protesting the healthcare bill in front of the Municipal Center Thursday, June 29, 2017, in Jonesboro, Ark. The U.S. Senate GOP's stalled health care legislation needs to ease some of its limits on Medicaid spending and give greater control of the program to the states, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Thursday.

2 Arkansas men set to be executed want stays for poor health

This combination of undated file photos provided by the Arkansas Department of Correction shows death-row inmates Jack Jones, left, and Marcel Williams. The two Arkansas inmates scheduled to be put to death Monday, April 24, 2017, in what could be the nation's first double execution in more than 16 years have asked an appeals court to halt their lethal injections because of poor health.

Federal judge issues injunction to block Arkansas executions

Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen issued a temporary restraining order stopping the state from using the drug of vecuronium bromide for lethal injections. "We are calling on state officials to accept the federal court's decision, cancel the frantic execution schedule, and propose a legal and humane method to carry out its executions".

Stephen Colbert and ‘Stephen Colbert’ bid farewell to Bill O’Reilly

The removal of conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly from his top-rated Fox News show over allegations of sexual harassment "is an important next step to clean up Fox News and make it a respectful and professional work environment", says the attorney representing Gretchen Carlson in her harassment case against Roger Ailes-the network's founding President who left the company a year ago in a scenario that mirrors O'Reilly's departure. Fox News Channel announced Wednesday O'Reilly has immediately departed the network.