The Guardian Claims Trump’s USDA Blacklists And Censors Use Of Term ‘Climate Change’

Officials at the Department of Agriculture are telling employees at the agency to use terms such as "weather extremes" when referring to "climate change," The Guardian reported Monday. Bianca Moebius-Clune, a director of foil health at the Natural Resources Conservation Service , told employees at the USDA to replace terms referring to global warming with more vanilla terms such as "weather extremes," according to a series of emails the outlet obtained.

The World’s Young Are Facing a $535 Trillion Bill for Climate

One of the world's most famous climate scientists has just calculated the financial burden that tomorrow's young citizens will face to keep the globe at a habitable temperature and contain global warming and climate change - a $535 trillion bill. And much of that will go on expensive technologies engineered to suck 1,000 billion metric tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air by the year 2100.

Brown, lawmakers celebrate bipartisan cap-and-trade victory

California's signature initiative to fight global warming will get another decade of life after lawmakers from both parties joined Gov. Jerry Brown in extending the law credited with reducing the state's carbon footprint. Monday night's votes to renew California's cap-and-trade program bolster the Democratic governor's quest to portray the state as a leader in the fight against climate change.

California climate law touted as global model faces key test

California lawmakers moved closer Monday to a high-stakes decision that will decide the fate of a climate initiative that Gov. Jerry Brown holds up as a model to be replicated around the world to confront rising global temperatures. Debate had begun on whether to give another decade of life to California's cap-and-trade program has global implications as the largest U.S. state moves to be a leader in reducing carbon emissions at a time when President Donald Trump is pulling back from fighting global warming.

Trump, Macron look past differences on Paris climate pact

First Lady Melania Trump is taking her own path through Paris as she and the president began a two-day visit to the French capital, starting at a children's hospital. First Lady Melania Trump is taking her own path through Paris as she and the president began a two-day visit to the French capital, starting at a children's hospital.

As Climate Threats Mount, Experts Say No Time Left for Deceitful “Debate”

Scott Pruitt sued the EPA more than a dozen times before he was named as the agency's head this year. As new and worrying evidence of global warming's destructive impacts mount around the globe, climate experts are saying efforts by the Trump administration's EPA chief to discredit decades of climate science research should be seen as a deceitful-and dangerous-tactic.

Renewable energy push is strongest in the reddest states

Some of the fastest progress on clean energy is occurring in states led by Republican governors and legislators, and states carried by Donald Trump in the presidential election. Two years ago, Kansas repealed a law requiring that 20 percent of the state's electric power come from renewable sources by 2020, seemingly a step backward on energy in a deeply conservative state.

Pittsburgh residents don’t want their city ‘smoky’ again

Residents in Pittsburgh say it's ironic that President Donald Trump name-dropped their city during his announcement on Thursday that the United States was pulling out of a global climate accord. After all, it's stricter environmental regulations and clean energy policies that transformed their once "smoky city" into a beautiful place to live.

U.S. evangelical green groups pan Trump’s climate accord exit

Evangelical Christian environmental groups on Friday panned President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from a global climate change pact, with leaders saying the political left does not have a monopoly on this issue. Trump's decision, announced on Thursday, "was an affront to our faith in Christ, who calls us to love and be concerned for our neighbours around the world who are impacted by climate change," said Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, the national organizer and spokesman for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action.

Trump says pulling out of Paris climate accord best for US

President Donald Trump has declared he was pulling the U.S. from the landmark Paris climate agreement, striking a major blow to worldwide efforts to combat global warming and distancing the country from its closest allies abroad. Framing his decision as "a reassertion of America's sovereignty," Trump said he was "elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."

Ap Fact Check: Holes in Trump’s reasoning on climate pullout

Announcing that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris climate accord, President Donald Trump misplaced the blame for what ails the coal industry and laid a shaky factual foundation for his decision. A look at some of the claims in a Rose Garden speech and an accompanying fact sheet about the deal to curtail emissions responsible for global warming: WHITE HOUSE: The Paris climate accord "would effectively decapitate our coal industry, which now supplies about one-third of our electric power."

Trump to announce decision on Paris climate pact Thursday

" President Donald Trump will announce his decision on whether to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord during a Rose Garden event Thursday afternoon. Trump promoted his announcement Wednesday night on Twitter, after a day in which U.S. allies around the world sounded alarms about the likely consequences of a U.S. withdrawal.

Renewable energy expected to continue growth, despite Trump

" President Donald Trump may abandon U.S. pledges to reduce carbon emissions, but global economic realities ensure he is unlikely to reverse the accelerating push to adopt cleaner forms of energy. Around the world, coal-fired power plants are being shuttered as governments and private companies invest billions in wind turbines and solar farms.