Trump has Harvard Republicans seeing crimson

Harvard's tenderfoot GOP elite on Thursday declared the candidate "a threat to the survival of the Republic," while asking party leaders and fellow college conservatives to "join us in condemning and withholding their endorsement from this dangerous man." The decision to publicly reject the candidate came earlier this week, Harvard Republican Club President Declan Garvey told CNN.

Donald Trump’s Electoral Map Isn’t Growing, It’s Shrinking

New polling from three states that are likely to be key to the outcome of the General Election in November, and which the Trump campaign itself has identified as part of a somewhat unconventional path to victory that relies upon winning states in the industrial Midwest that have traditionally gone for the Democratic candidate, seems to show the Trump campaign slipping behind Clinton and in real danger of being in Electoral College trouble before Labor Day. First up, there's a new WBUR poll out of New Hampshire that shows Hillary Clinton leading Trump by double digits: According to a new WBUR poll of New Hampshire voters, Hillary Clinton is enjoying a dramatic post-convention bump and now leads Donald Trump by 15 points.

‘Third Candidates’ Seeks to Answer Questions about Third Party Politics

"Post convention bumps show Hillary back in command of the election, but because of widespread voter dissatisfaction with the major parties, there's still some room for shakeups between now and November," says 'Third Candidates' co-creator John Farrell, adding "Green Party candidate Jill Stein has caught the eye of former Bernie supporters and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has been polling in double digits for months now and could make a push to be included in the debates".

Libertarian: Trump has ‘a screw loose’

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and his running mate, Bill Weld, came out swinging Wednesday against their major party rivals: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. At a CNN town hall hosted by Anderson Cooper, Weld outright mocked Trump - saying he has "a screw loose" - while Johnson shed his typical reluctance to attack Clinton by questioning her integrity.

EDITORIAL: For many, it’s hard to imagine more confounding choices than Trump, Clinton

Some of us are old enough to remember when Labor Day weekend traditionally marked the real start of the presidential campaign season, when everyday voters finally took a closer look at the nominees and their platforms. Now the end-of-summer holiday serves only to remind us that we're entering the final stretch of what has been a bewildering, frustrating and exhausting presidential campaign unlike any in U.S. history.

Could a third-party candidate win the U.S. presidency? That’s very unlikely.

A supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and of Green Party candidate Jill Stein holds a sign at a rally at City Hall in Philadelphia on July 25 as the Democratic National Convention formally selects Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee. Jill Stein's Green Party is aggressively courting Bernie Sanders supporters and others from the Democratic Party's far left.

CNN to host town hall with Libertarian ticket

CNN is set to host a primetime one-hour town hall with the Libertarian Party ticket, former Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld, on Wednesday in New York City. The candidates will take questions from the audience and from CNN's Anderson Cooper, who will moderate the event, focusing on the current state of the 2016 race and the platform of the Libertarian Party.

New Poll Shows Big Convention Bounce for ClintonNow up five points over Trump, in a CBS survey.

There are only fragmentary polling results available as of Monday morning, and it's possible some immediate post-convention developments once "leaners" are factored in, and she leads by five if Libertarian Gary Johnson is included. Trump had edged ahead of Clinton in the last The internals of the new survey are unsurprising: Clinton's lead is mainly the product of better performance among independents and a consolidation of support among Democrats.

Check Out All of Reason TV’s Video Coverage of the Democratic National Convention

Reason TV covered the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia from start to finish. While there, we documented anger with the DNC from Bernie Sanders supporters who felt betrayed by the party in the wake of an internal email leak that showed party officials discussing feeding negative stories about Sanders to the media.

Clinton sold as a tougha and a determineda to repair reputation for dishonesty, build trust

Democrats are banking on a trust bounce for presidential nominee Hillary Clinton after last week's convention in Philadelphia, where a top priority was repairing a reputation for dishonesty and deception that party officials say she doesn't deserve. Deserved or not, the Clinton campaign and party officials are keenly aware that the trust deficit is one of her biggest vulnerabilities against Republican nominee Donald Trump, and they can't easily redefine someone who has been a national public figure for 25 years.

Libertarian Gary Johnson Keeps Fighting to Join the Presidential Debates

Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party's nominee for president, has made no secret of his desire to be on stage with Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton in the upcoming presidential debates . " Our America Initiative ," an arm of the Libertarian Party, filed a lawsuit last September against the Commission on Presidential Debates, challenging its "15 percent threshold."

Trump bounces into the lead

Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson and Jill Stein and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.