Texas launches Harvey recovery tracker 6 months after storm

Texas launched a public online tool to track incoming and outgoing funds for Hurricane Harvey recovery on Monday, six months after the storm hit and two months after The Associated Press reported that it did not have one. Gov. Greg Abbott called the tracker - which provides a county-level view of the more than $13 billion in flood insurance payouts, hotel vouchers and other forms of federal aid that has been disbursed so far - "a good start in achieving transparency" in a statement from the Texas A&M University System-based Commission to Rebuild Texas.

The Land Office in the news

Incumbent George P. Bush, the 41-year-old grandson and nephew of U.S. presidents, is facing off against his outspoken predecessor Jerry Patterson , 71, who wants his old job back after leaving it to unsuccessfully run for lieutenant governor. Despite its low profile, the land commissioner has one of the state's most critical jobs, especially now as hundreds of communities, including Houston, continue to recover in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Cornyn Statement on Passage of Disaster Relief, Budget Agreement

U.S. Senator John Cornyn released this statement after Congress passed the Bipartisan Budget Act , including nearly $90 billion in funding available for relief efforts following natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey: "While long-overdue, this bill is a big step forward for Texans impacted by Hurricane Harvey up and down our coast. We know the recovery process is far from over, but these resources will go a long way for Texas families, small businesses and communities who are still rebuilding.

FEMA, Other Relief Efforts Post-Hurricane Harvey Exceed $12 Billion…

It has been six months since Hurricane Harvey hit and devastated the lives of hundreds of thousands of Houston-area residents. But new information shows that survivors-including African American families-have received more than $12 billion to help them recover from the catastrophic storm in August.

State of the Union: Full text of President Donald Trump’s speech before US Congress

US President Donald Trump today delivered his first State of the Union address to the Congress where he listed out the achievements of his one-year-old administration and outlined his future agenda. His speech focused on immigration reforms, terrorism, tax reforms, infrastructure, job creation.

Watch live: Trump delivers first State of the Union address

President Donald Trump will deliver his first official State of the Union address Tuesday night, and is expected to tout success on tax reform and push a bipartisan effort on immigration changes. A controversial aspect of Trump's immigration plans involves the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA .

President Trump’s SOTU guests include welder, parents of gang victims Source: WSB-TV

President Donald Trump's guests for his State of the Union speech Tuesday include an Ohio welder who will benefit from his tax overhaul plan and the parents of two Long Island teenagers who were believed to be killed by MS-13 gang members. Among his other guests are rescuers who battled wildfires in California and flooding in Texas, as well as a Marine who re-enlisted after losing his legs and going blind from a roadside bomb.

Trump: I would be ‘tougher’ in Brexit talks than UK’s May

President Donald Trump has wished Prince Harry and ... Under different circumstances, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be in the midst of a valedictory tour in her final months on the Supreme Court, but in the age of Trump, the 84-year-old is sending signals she... Under different circumstances, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be in the midst of a valedictory tour in her final months on the Supreme Court, but in the age of Trump, the 84-year-old is sending signals she intends to keep her seat for years.

Honduran president starts new term as fiery protests erupt

The opposition does not re... . An opposition supporter raises his fist next to a burning barricade as demonstrators march near the National Stadium during the swearing-in ceremony of President Juan Orlando Hernandez in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Saturday, Jan... .

State plans Harris County buyouts with first round of Harvey aid

A home that was bought out by Harris County on the 2600 block of Shorewick Drive was the first to be demolished after being flooded during Harvey Friday, Nov. 10, 2017, in Highlands, Texas. A home that was bought out by Harris County on the 2600 block of Shorewick Drive was the first to be demolished after being flooded during Harvey Friday, Nov. 10, 2017, in Highlands, Texas.

Democrats say they have leverage after shutdown fight. Here are their options

While Democrats didn't land a deal on immigration, the recent agreement to reopen the government nonetheless laid the groundwork for a potential Senate floor debate. "We're very pleased with how it worked out," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, said Tuesday about the short-lived government shutdown, which drew attention to the standoff over the expiring Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program .

Early FEMA assistance is boon to Crossroads governments 8 hours from now

After dealing with the unprecedented carnage left by Hurricane Harvey, Refugio County officials are now dealing with an equally extraordinary recovery process. Like Refugio County, numerous local governments in the Crossroads have asked for expedited compensation from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pay for debris clearing and emergency measures.

Atheist Group Upset FEMA Will Help Churches Rebuild After Disasters

American Atheists, a nationwide organization, expressed outrage over FEMA's recent policy change making churches eligible for federal relief funds in the wake of natural disasters. The atheist organization, which most recently gained the national spotlight by posting anti-Christmas billboards in several states, railed against the Trump administration for what they called a misapplication of federal law and for giving federal funds to churches that aided the relief efforts and served as emergency shelters and FEMA response bases for their local communities in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.