The Shadow Campaign Inside the Closed-Door Rules Meetings in Cleveland

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney along with vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan wave on stage after accepting the nomination during the final day of the Republican National Convention on August 30, 2012 in Tampa, Fla. As delegates, grassroots activists and party insiders converged on Cleveland ahead of next week's Republican National Convention , a last-ditch attempt to throw Donald Trump 's nomination for president into jeopardy fizzled, but the attempted power play was more about a shadow campaign for the 2020 presidential election than anything else, ABC News has learned.

A party that doesn’t recognize itself convenes in Cleveland

Thanks to Donald Trump, the Republican National Convention that opens here Monday will be like no other in the modern era - a gathering of a divided and nervous political party preparing to nominate a candidate who stormed through the nominating process after turning his back on a generation or more of conservative orthodoxy. In many ways, what transpires in Cleveland will seem familiar.

The Latest: Clinton says ‘we will not be intimidated’

Hillary Clinton says Americans stand "in strong solidarity with the people of France," after a truck attack in Nice, France, adding, "We will not be intimidated." A truck carrying weapons and hand grenades plowed through a group of people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice late Thursday, killing at least 80 people.

Trump favors Christie, Pence and Gingrich as he closes in on VP pick

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie delivers remarks before presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks in Virginia Beach, Va., on July 11, 2016. Closing in on his choice for a running mate, Donald Trump spoke favorably Monday about tapping an experienced politician over a political outsider to help reassure and unite the fractured Republican Party.

Twitter and CBS News to partner for live stream of GOP and Democratic National Conventions

Twitter and CBS News announced on Monday a partnership to stream CBSN's live coverage from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions on Twitter. "Twitter is the fastest way to find out what's happening in politics and to have a discussion about it," said Anthony Noto, Twitter's chief financial officer.

Your Complete Guide To The Possible Anti-Trump Rebellion At The RNC

The battle to control the Republican National Convention in Cleveland - and the fate of the party - has reached a turning point. While the "Stop Trump" movement has unleashed a barrage of cross-country phone calls and emails to seek support for its proposals, a group of longtime Republican rule-makers, some working with the Donald Trump campaign, has quickly coalesced to try to block them.

Report: Trump campaign indicates it’s ‘not going to have enough…

A report from the Washington Examiner says Trump representatives told Senate Republicans that the campaign "won't have much money to spend fending off attacks from Hillary Clinton" before the Republican National Convention in July. Trump officially secured the party's nomination for president last week.