‘Truth is sacred’: Tom Hanks gives keynote speech and receives honorary degree from Harvard

The two-time Academy Award winner spoke to the graduates on truth and was given a volleyball as a gift

As the US grapples with a disinformation crisis, Tom Hanks told graduates of Harvard on Thursday to be superheroes in their defense of truth and American ideals, and to resist those who twist the truth for their own gain.

“For the truth to some is no longer empirical. It’s no longer based on data, nor common sense, nor even common decency,” the two-time Academy Award winner said during his keynote address. He invoked the Latin word for truth, “veritas”, Harvard’s motto.

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Playing to win: are Mattel movies about to take over Hollywood?

The toy company has recruited Lena Dunham, Greta Gerwig and Tom Hanks to help usher in a new slate of films based on kids’ favourites

Deep down, everyone wishes they were Marvel. Armed with nothing but B-grade IP and heroic levels of pluck, a lowly comic book company slowly went about wrestling the film industry into an inescapable stranglehold. But a decade and a half on, Marvel has become the established order. It is time for a new plucky upstart to stage another revolution. That upstart?

Mattel. You know, Mattel. The toy people. No, really.

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Tom Hanks urges US educators to teach students about Tulsa race massacre

Actor writes in New York Times that he ‘never read a page of any school history book’ about 1921 massacre

In an essay lamenting the long neglect of the Tulsa race massacre, the Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks said “white educators and school administrators” in the US had “omitted the volatile subject for the sake of the status quo, placing white feelings over Black experience – literally Black lives in this case”.

Related: ‘They didn’t talk about it’: how a historian helped Tulsa confront the horror of its past

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Tom Hanks has ‘no respect’ for people not wearing masks – video

Tom Hanks, who recovered from coronavirus earlier this year, has said he does not have ‘much respect’ for people who do not wear face masks in public during the pandemic. Speaking about ways to stop the spread of the virus, Hanks said: 'At the very least, three tiny things are in everybody's wheelhouse, if you choose to do them. Wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance’

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Tom Hanks on surviving coronavirus: ‘I had crippling body aches, fatigue and couldn’t concentrate’

The world’s most relatable megastar talks about his Covid-19 experience, his fears for the future, and whether he’s really just so gosh darned nice

“Welcome to the future, Hadley!” Tom Hanks says from my computer screen, as he makes a quick glance to the right of his own to check my name. “Can you remember the last time you felt comfortable running around with other people?” he asks.

I tell him it was probably the last time I saw him, which was when we were at the Academy Awards in February, where he had ratcheted up his fifth Oscar nomination, for his performance as beloved US children’s TV host Fred Rogers, in the film A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood.

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Tom Hanks becomes honorary citizen of Greece

Actor and family given honour for ‘exceptional services’ after helping wildfire victims

Of all the roles Tom Hanks has ever played, being himself and being Greek may be the easiest yet. Or at least that is how it would seem from the Hollywood star’s jubilant reaction to his becoming an honorary citizen of the country.

“Starting 2020 as an honorary citizen of all of Greece!” the actor, a convert to Greek Orthodoxy, said on social media. “Kronia pola! (more or less, ‘happy year!’). Hanx”

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Steven Spielberg’s The Post Trailer With Tom Hanks & Meryl Streep

The film also stars Sarah Paulson, Bob Odenkirk, Matthew Rhys, Bradley Whitford, Carrie Coon, Jesse Plemons, David Cross, Alison Brie, Bruce Greenwood, Tracy Letts, Michael Stuhlbarg and Zach Woods. Check out The Post trailer below, along with the poster in the gallery! The Post will follow the 1971 scandal after the decision of The Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee and publisher Katharine Graham to publish The Pentagon Papers.