Paul Ryan vows that help is coming after hurricane hit Texas

House Speaker Paul Ryan joined a bipartisan delegation of lawmakers Thursday to help remove debris at a in Friendswood, Texas home damaged by Hurricane Harvey and vowed that Congress will take up legislation next month to get help to those impacted by recent natural disasters. The Wisconsin Republican said the purpose of his visit was to show "that the recovery efforts are well on their way and there will not be any kind of delay with respect to the federal government."

With CBO sidelined, key senator turns to Trump administration’s …

A key Republican senator, who is likely to decide the fate of her party's latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and phase-out Medicaid , says she will rely on a Trump administration office with a history of producing cooked figures in order to determine whether to back the bill. Earlier this week, the Congressional Budget Office announced that, due to the rushed process Senate Republicans are using to try to pass the latest version of Trumpcare, it will not be able to fully evaluate the bill until after a vote is expected next week.

Don’t look now, but Donald Trump’s strategy is beating ISIS in Syria | Mulshine

In recent weeks I read more about the high heels that Melania Trump wore on a trip to Texas than I did about the positive developments in a war that was at the center of the foreign-policy debate in last year's presidential election. In that debate, you may recall, Donald Trump went against most of the candidates from his own party in welcoming the Russian military into the war against ISIS as an ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Ted Cruz Clarifies Sex Toys Policy, and No, This Is Not a Joke…

When Sen. Ted Cruz's official Twitter account "liked" a pornographic video late Monday night, many delighted in the fact that as a Texas state attorney, he had once argued that there is no Constitutional right "to stimulate one's genitals." In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Cruz clarified that he doesn't actually think about the subject very often - and explained that when he made the genitals argument, he was just doing his job.

Cruz Blames ‘Staffing Issue’ For Porn Video ‘Liked’ On His Twitter Account

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told reporters Tuesday it was a "staffing issue" that led to a pornographic video being "liked" by his Twitter account - which has since been removed. "It was a staffing issue and it was inadvertent, it was a mistake, it was not a deliberate action," Cruz said, according to The Washington Post.

Trump’s in danger dancing with Democrats

"If, as a voter, you think what we need is more Republicans in Washington to cut a deal with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, then I guess Donald Trump's your guy." Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas spoke those words in Manchester, N.H., in January 2016.

Steve CuozzoDe Blasio’s – monuments’ squad is an absolutely terrifying idea

Mayor de Blasio's "Advisory Commission on City Art, Monuments and Markers" is the most terrifying news out of City Hall since the cornerstone was laid in 1803. Goodbye, hundreds of years of history, tradition and respect for our shared past.