McCain Votes No, Dealing Potential Death Blow To Republican Health Care Efforts

In a moment of unexpected high drama, Republicans were stymied once again in their effort to repeal Obamacare - and they have John McCain to thank for it. McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer and returned to Washington to advance the health care bill, turned around and bucked his party's leadership - and President Trump - by joining two moderate Republicans and every Democrat in voting against the so-called "skinny repeal" of the Affordable Care Act.

Ted Cruz: Voters will feel ‘sense of betrayal’ over Obamacare failure

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, warned that the Republican failure to pass a bill to repeal parts of Obamacare will disappoint Republican voters around the country who were told the GOP was going to dismantle the law. "There are going to be a great many Americans who tonight feel a sense of betrayal, feel a sense of betrayal that politicians stood up and made a promise," Cruz said early Friday morning.

Today in the peanut gallery

This revised iteration of BCRA - which included an amendment by Sen. Ted Cruz to allow non-Obamacare plans back on the market paired with $100 billion in funding to partially offset the Medicaid cuts - was subject, because of the Senate budget rules, to a 60-vote threshold for a procedural vote. It failed handily, 43 to 57, with nine Republicans and all of the Democrats opposing it.

McCain rivals praise senator after brain cancer diagnosis

John McCain McCain rivals praise senator after brain cancer diagnosis McCain absence adds to GOP agenda's uncertainty Overnight Defense: Trump gets briefing at Pentagon on ISIS, Afghanistan 's brain cancer elicited expressions of sympathy across the government, even from fellow senators and public officials who have been the targets of his famous temper. One of the most heartfelt expressions of sympathy on Wednesday night, when news broke of his diagnosis of brain cancer, came from Sen. Ted Cruz McCain rivals praise senator after brain cancer diagnosis Senate heads to new healthcare vote with no clear plan Cruz offers bill to weaken labor board's power MORE Cruz has been one of McCain's chief antagonists in recent years.

Revised repeal and replace bill would give Senate $287 billion to dole out

The Congressional Budget Office released Thursday yet another score of a Senate plan to repeal and replace Obamacare -- this one to learn how much more money the chamber's leaders would have to woo moderates if they keep Obamacare's taxes on the wealthy. The agency found that a revised version of the legislation would reduce the deficit by $420 billion over the next decade, giving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a $287 billion fund since he still must save as much as the House's counterpart bill did.

Obamacare Exchanges In Limbo

California's Obamacare exchange scrubbed its annual rate announcement this week, the latest sign of how the ongoing political drama over the Affordable Care Act is roiling insurance markets nationwide. The exchange, Covered California, might not wrap up negotiations with insurers and announce 2018 premiums for its 1.4 million customers until mid-August - about a month later than usual.

Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post: Even insurers are panning Ted Cruz’s multi-plan move

Sen. Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican who lost a hard-fought campaign for president last year, has one fundamental problem: His political ambition far outstrips his likability and political skill. In the 2016 primary, his rudeness to Senate colleagues, glaring opportunism and awkward interpersonal skills - as much as then-candidate Donald Trump - prevented him from capturing the nomination.

Health plan hinges on the young, but they’re a tough sell

Julian Senn-Raemont isn't convinced he needs to buy health insurance when he loses coverage under his dad's plan in a couple of years - no matter what happens in the policy debate in Washington, or how cheap the plans are. The 24-year-old musician hasn't known a world without a health care safety net.

Alabama GOP Senate Candidates Fight Over Loyalty to Trump

Alabama Senate candidate, Rep. Mo Brooks, says he supported President Donald Trump in the general election, after backing Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the primary. President Donald Trump may be embroiled in scandal in Washington, D.C. But in Alabama - a state he won by nearly 30 points last fall - he remains extremely popular.

Senate prepares for new version of healthcare bill

The new healthcare bill is expected to include Sen. Ted Cruz's amendment allowing insurance companies to offer plans to do not satisfy all of Obamacare's requirements for essential care as long as they have at least one plan that does. But some centrist Republicans have voiced concerns that the amendment might make care for those with pre-existing conditions prohibitively expensive.

Republicans Stare Down Failure On Health Care With No Real Plan B

Senate Republicans are still moving ahead with a vote on their health care bill next week, but barring some sudden changes of hearts, it looks like they will fall short of the votes - and no one seems to have a real idea of what to do then. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to release the text of a revised bill Thursday, along with an amendment drafted by Sen. Ted Cruz that would dramatically undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions in the name of lowering costs for healthy people.

PHOTO: Protesters gather outside a Sen. Ted Cruz town hall meeting,…

Protesters gather outside a Sen. Ted Cruz town hall meeting, Thursday, July 6, 2017, in Austin, Texas. Cruz is expressing doubt about whether the Republican plan to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama's health care law will pass the Senate, suggesting Thursday that efforts to cobble together enough votes are on shaky ground.