Florida approved thousands of concealed weapons permits without background checks

For more than a year, the state of Florida did not conduct national background checks on tens of thousands of applications for concealed weapons permits. A previously unreported Office of Inspector General investigation found that in February 2016 the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services stopped using an FBI crime database called the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to ensure that applicants who want to carry guns do not have disqualifying histories in other states.

Florida Cop In Trouble After Wishing Car Accident On Gun Violence ProtestHuffPost

A Florida police officer could face disciplinary action after he said on Facebook that he hoped "some old lady loses control of her car" at a protest against gun violence last Friday. The comment was posted beneath a photo of protest organizer and Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg .

Florida’s expensive race for governor highlights lax laws

In this April 6, 2018, file photo, Adam Putnam, Republican gubernatorial candidate makes a campaign stop at Kimmins Contracting in Tampa, Fla. Florida's wide-open race for governor won't be decided for another six months, but it's already triggered a wave of expensive television ad buys from groups taking advantage of gray areas in the state's campaign finance laws.

Florida restaurant inspection fines drop sharply under Rick Scott

Fines from the Florida agency that oversees restaurants inspections has dropped sharply to $1.1 million in fines in 2017 against 2,500 food establishments in 2017, compared to $4.7 million in 2010. Fines from the Florida agency that oversees restaurants inspections has dropped sharply to $1.1 million in fines in 2017 against 2,500 food establishments in 2017, compared to $4.7 million in 2010.

2018 gubernatorial races could provide 2020 snapshots

There are 36 states and U.S. territories holding gubernatorial elections this year and these races could be the biggest referendum of all on President Donald Trump 's presidency. All eyes will be on key 2020 states to look for predictions regarding the next White House race, particularly what insights can be gained for which ever party takes power.

Crime and sanctuary movement are the focus in Florida

In a campaign video ad produced for Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran , an "illegal immigrant" wearing a hoodie is depicted shooting a young, red-haired woman who is walking through a suburban neighborhood as she smiles and texts on her phone. In a voice-over, Corcoran says, "This could have happened to any family, anywhere," and added, "Incredibly, some Tallahassee politicians want to make Florida a sanctuary state."

Florida observes Prescribed Fire Awareness Week

Florida's Prescribed Fire Awareness Week is being observed to call attention to the need for slow-moving, low-grade fire to decrease wildfire danger. "Following one of the most active wildfire seasons in recent history and a devastating hurricane season, forecasts predict an extremely dry spring," said Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam.

Opioids, wildfires, PTSD among Florida Cabinet priorities

Attorney General Pam Bondi wants new laws to protect people who report sexual misconduct; Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam wants to make sure the state is prepared for a higher-than-normal risk for wildfires; and Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis wants to expand worker compensation benefits for first responders to include post-traumatic stress disorder. While Florida's three Cabinet members can't sponsor or vote on bills, or sign them into law, they hold important leadership roles in state government and each is working with lawmakers to pass legislation and make budget recommendations.

Trumpa s tweeted choice for Florida governor enters the race

A congressman who recently won President Donald Trump's tweeted endorsement for the job of Florida governor entered the race Friday, saying he wants to "drain the swamp in Tallahassee." Ron DeSantis joins a crowded field seeking to replace Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who leaves office in 2019 due to term limits.

Most Insiders see Irma as boost to Scott

Gov. Rick Scott received generally high marks for his handling of the hurricanes hitting Florida and its sister territory, Puerto Rico, but his PR team lately has been working ferociously to push back against assorted reports raising questions about his emergency management record before and after the storms hit. Republican U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio joined calls for a congressional investigation into the deaths of 14 Floridians in a sweltering Broward County nursing home.

Official: Irma was ‘lethal’ for Florida citrus, other crops

Florida's famous oranges are still falling from trees and rotting on the ground weeks after Hurricane Irma, and the state's agriculture commissioner said Thursday there will be fewer Florida vegetables on Thanksgiving tables and a shortage of poinsettias at Christmas. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and Florida farmers updated the state Senate Agriculture Committee that the storm damaged crops of all kinds, with losses topping $2.5 billion.