Reports from Cuba: Waiting for answers

In recent days Cubans have struggled to take in the news of the reduction of US embassy staff in Havana and the indefinite suspension the processing of visas for Cubans desiring to travel to that country. The diplomatic thaw announced in December 2014 by both governments is currently experiencing a glaciation that could worsen in the coming days with new measures from Washington.

Cubans heartbroken as U.S. not to issue visas in Havana

The United States said it was cutting its diplomatic presence in Cuba by more than a half because of mysterious "attacks" against its embassy personnel and was therefore halting regular visa operations. Photo - Reuters The United States said it was cutting its diplomatic presence in Cuba by more than a half because of mysterious "attacks" against its embassy personnel and was therefore halting regular visa operations.

Cubans are heartbroken, angry can’t seek U.S. visas in Havana

Cubans said they were both heartbroken and enraged by the United States' decision yesterday to stop processing visas at its embassy in Havana that would further tear at the seams of families already divided by the Florida Straits. The United States said it was cutting its diplomatic presence in Cuba by more than a half because of mysterious "attacks" against its embassy personnel and was therefore halting regular visa operations.

U.S. says envoys in Cuba targeted

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday that U.S. diplomats in Havana were the victims of "health attacks" that left them with hearing loss -- the most definitive U.S. statement yet on a series of incidents that have puzzled analysts of U.S.-Cuban relations. Tillerson's comments came two days after the State Department issued a vague statement saying there had been "incidents which have caused a variety of physical symptoms."

Reports from Cuba: Discriminatory prices: How much do things cost?

The establishment of Cuba's two different currencies , and their different applications , according to the Government's convenience, besides sowing economic chaos, also features an immoral component for those affected by it. Setting aside the unfair and all too well known problem of being paid wages in CUP and having to make purchases in CUC, as well as the exorbitant prices of products, there are other no less arbitrary manifestations, such as the 12.5% ?? subtracted from every dollar when exchanged for CUC.

‘Grotesque Spectacle’: Cuban Foreign Minister Slams Trump

Cuba's Foreign Minister lashed out at Donald Trump's decision to restrict U.S. travel and business with his country on Monday, calling the president's announcement last week "a grotesque spectacle that came out of the Cold War." "There will not be a presidential directive from the U.S. that will alter the direction of Cuba," Bruno Rodriguez told journalists in Vienna, where he was meeting with Austrian officials.

Republicans divided as Trump reverses some Obama Cuba policy

President Donald Trump's decision to reverse some Obama-era Cuba policies landed with a thud among many congressional Republicans who say the new approach surrenders a potentially lucrative market for American goods and services to competitors. While anti-Castro conservatives hailed Trump's partial roll-back of President Barack Obama's detente, a number of other GOP lawmakers, particularly from farm states, criticized the change as misguided and isolationist.

Trump thrusts U.S., Cuba back toward hostile relations

President Donald Trump cheered violinist Luis Haza, who was born in Cuba, after playing the national anthem during a speech on Cuban policy today. MIAMI>> Pressing "pause" on a historic detente, President Donald Trump thrust the U.S. and Cuba back on a path toward open hostility today with a blistering denunciation of the island's communist government.

President pushes U.S., Cuba back toward hostile relations

Pressing "pause" on a historic detente, President Donald Trump thrust the U.S. and Cuba back on a path toward open hostility Friday with a blistering denunciation of the island's communist government. He clamped down on some commerce and travel but left intact many new avenues President Barack Obama had opened.

Trump restores some travel, economic restrictions on Cuba

President Donald Trump declared Friday he was restoring some travel and economic restrictions on Cuba that were lifted as part of the Obama administration's historic easing. He challenged the communist government of Raul Castro to negotiate a better deal for Cubans and Cuban-Americans.

Trump’s rollback of Obama’s Cuba policies may harm the Cubans…

President Donald Trump appears set to walk back some aspects of the normalization of US-Cuba relations conducted by President Barack Obama during his final years in office. According to a draft of an eight-page directive Trump is expected to sign on Friday during an event at Miami's Manuel Artime Theater - named for a leader of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion - the US government will restrict the number of reasons Americans can travel to the island and prohibit financial dealings with companies controlled by the Cuban military.

Trump rolls back Obama admina s Cuba policy: a Will not be silent in the face of communist oppressiona

President Trump announced a dramatic reversal Friday of the Obama administration's Cuba policy, restoring restrictions on U.S. travel to the island and new prohibitions on financial transactions that benefit the communist regime's military. "We will not be silent in the face of communist oppression any longer," Mr. Trump said in Miami.

Trump to announce plan to stop cash flow to Cuban military

Stopping short of a complete turnabout, President Donald Trump is expected Friday to announce a revised Cuba policy aimed at stopping the flow of U.S. cash to the country's military and security services while maintaining diplomatic relations and allowing U.S. airlines and cruise ships to continue service to the island. In a speech Friday at a Miami theater associated with Cuban exiles, Trump will cast the policy moves as fulfillment of a promise he made during last year's presidential campaign to reverse then-President Barack Obama's diplomatic re-engagement with the island after decades of estrangement.

Trump faces tough task unwinding Obama Cuba policy

President Barack Obama's 2014 opening with Cuba helped funnel American travel dollars into military-linked tourism conglomerates even as state security agents waged a fierce crackdown on dissent. The rapprochement also poured hundreds of millions in U.S. spending into privately owned businesses on the island, supercharging the growth of an entrepreneurial middle-class independent of the communist state.

Reports from Cuba: If Venezuela goes to hell, will things look bad for Cuba?

Soot covers the unpainted facades of buildings on Tenth of October Boulevard. Old American cars from the 1950s, rebuilt with modern diesel engines and now privately operated as taxis, transit across asphalt, leaving behind a trail of black smoke and the unpleasant odor of gasoline.

Reports from Cuba: The alliance between Spanish colonialism and the Castroist leadership

An article appearing in the Spanish newspaper El PaA s , entitled "EspaA a no puede perder Cuba dos veces" , analyzes the machinations of the latest Spanish Governments' policies towards Cuba, and observes that "Rajoy's government seems determined to make up for lost time with Havana."