Samuel Hedgepeth, who suffers from substance abuse

The House Republican plan may get rid of required health benefits for hospital care, cancer screening and more. But won't people still get sick, seek treatment they can't afford" Then who pays? How the GOP health bill could affect health benefits, including addiction The House Republican plan may get rid of required health benefits for hospital care, cancer screening and more.

GOP Health-Care Bill: Will It Pass? The Whip Count

The first major legislative test of Donald Trump's presidency is slated for Thursday night, when the House holds its highly anticipated vote on the Republican health-care bill. There are no Democrats who are expected to support the bill, but it also has detractors within the GOP.

13:25 Tillerson urges Senate ratification of Montenegro’s NATO membership

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has written to the leaders of the U.S. Senate urging the ratification of Montenegro as the newest member of the NATO alliance, saying it is "strongly in the interests of the United States," reports Reuters . In a letter dated March 7 and seen by Reuters on Tuesday, Tillerson argued that Montenegro's membership in the alliance would support greater integration, democratic reform, trade, security and stability among its neighbors.

Day One of the Neil Gorsuch Hearings Was Not about Neil Gorsuch

Those who tuned into C-SPAN today for hot-and-heavy questioning of President Donald Trump 's Supreme Court nominee were sorely disappointed. The first day isn't actually about the nominee, but just a chance for senators on the Judiciary Committee to make opening statements.

The math behind repealing and replacing the ACA

House Speaker Paul Ryan speaks during a news conference on the American Health Care Act on Capitol Hill in Washington, March 7, 2017. Now that Republicans have rolled out their legislative plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act , House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republican congressional leaders have not only begun to sell the bill, but also build the support required for its passage.

Can Trump Save the GOP Health Care Bill?

Rick Klein and Shushannah Walshe : "Get ready for Trump at war. That's what it will take if President Trump hopes to salvage his health care bill - and it is his bill now - against the accumulated weight of the AARP, the House Freedom Caucus, GOP senators including Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, Heritage, the Club for Growth, tea party groups and even, yes, Breitbart News.

Conservative backlash threatens to sink new GOP health bill

A powerful conservative backlash threatened to sink the new Republican health care bill Tuesday less than 24 hours after its launch, even as President Donald Trump and congressional leaders began trying to sell the legislation as the long-promised GOP cure for "Obamacare." "We're going to do something that's great and I'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the House of Representatives," Trump declared at the White House as he met Tuesday with the House GOP vote-counting team.

(Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) Utah Senator Mike Lee speaks at …

The Salt Lake Tribune) Utah Senator Mike Lee speaks at A Newsmaker Breakfast,A a monthly event highlighting current issues impacting the State of Utah in Salt Lake City Wednesday November 9. The Salt Lake Tribune) Utah Senator Mike Lee speaks at A Newsmaker Breakfast,A a monthly event highlighting current issues impacting the State of Utah in Salt Lake City Wednesday November 9. Utah Republican says the plan is too similar to Obama's law, may part ways with Trump and Hatch and join the Democrats in voting against it.

Republican health care plan trades coverage mandate for tax credits

House Republicans unveiled on Monday their long-awaited plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, scrapping the mandate for most Americans to have health insurance in favor of a new system of tax credits to induce people to buy insurance on the open market. The bill sets the stage for a bitter debate over the possible dismantling of the most significant health care law in a half-century.

GOP looks to president for unity

Republicans confronted a conservative rebellion in their own party Tuesday over their long-promised plans to repeal and replace the health care law, and they beseeched President Donald Trump to settle the dispute. "He's the leader on this issue right now; he's the one that's got to hold us together," said Rep. Dennis Ross of Florida as he left a meeting during which, he said, Republican leaders urged the rank and file to "stay strong" on the issue and told them: "'Now is not the time to back down.'

There was one group noticeably absent from CPAC, the biggest conservative conference of the year

The "Stand With Rand" shirts were out, and the "Make America Great Again" were in among the younger crowd at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference. Libertarians, who normally make up the loudest and most vocal faction at the annual nationwide gathering of conservatives, had a noticeably diminished presence at the 2017 political confab.

Congress to look into Soros’ meddling in European politics

Last weekend we looked at a story involving the Prime Minister of Hungary and his complaints about certain foreign non-government organizations interfering with the operation of his government. Viktor Orban has become incensed with liberal billionaire George Soros and what he perceives as his meddling in local affairs.

My view: Utah delegation should represent us or let someone else do the job

I was incredibly proud of my friends and neighbors in Utah during the recent presidential election. We made national headlines for opposing Donald Trump's antics and ethics even when so many other Republican states embraced him with open arms.

(Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, talks…

The Salt Lake Tribune) Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, talks with constituents from Utah during a reception in the Oversight Committee Room in the Rayburn House Office Building Thursday January 19, 2017. The Salt Lake Tribune) Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, talks with constituents from Utah during a reception in the Oversight Committee Room in the Rayburn House Office Building Thursday January 19, 2017.

Mike Lee, critical of a Muslim ban, wants more info on Trump’s refugee executive order

The Salt Lake Tribune) Utah Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah addresses his supporters at the American Preparatory campus in Draper, Saturday, March 19, 2016. Republican presidential candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Carly Fiorina and Glenn Beck were also in attendance.

Patricia Murphy

For a guy who didn't want to be in the Senate anymore last year, Florida's Marco Rubio is certainly making a tall glass of lemonade out of the lemons he got running for president in 2016. With a single hearing in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this week, Rubio went from being the Republican Most Likely to Miss a Vote, a distinction he earned on his way to losing the GOP nomination, to being the Republican Most Likely to Hold Donald Trump's Feet to the Fire.