Students would get loan info under bill OKa d in Michigan

Michigan universities and colleges would be required to give students information about their federal loans each year under a bill advancing in the Legislature. Supporters say there is evidence from other states that providing students with more information about their debt leads to better financial planning.

Conyers exits role on Judiciary Committee amid scandal

Michigan Rep. John Conyers, under investigation over allegations he sexually harassed female staff members, said Sunday he will step aside as the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee while fiercely denying he acted inappropriately during his long tenure in Congress. In a statement, the 88-year-old lawmaker made clear he would prefer to keep his leadership role on the committee, which has wide jurisdiction over U.S. law enforcement, from civil rights and impeachment of federal officials to sexual harassment protections.

Conyers steps aside from Judiciary post amid sex allegations

Michigan Rep. John Conyers, under investigation over allegations he sexually harassed female staff members, said Sunday he will step aside as the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee while fiercely denying he acted inappropriately during his long tenure in Congress. In a statement, the 88-year-old lawmaker made clear he would prefer to keep his leadership role on the committee, which has wide jurisdiction over U.S. law enforcement, from civil rights and impeachment of federal officials to sexual harassment protections.

Conyers steps aside as ranking member of Judiciary Committee amid sexual harassment allegations

Rep. John Conyers , D-Mich., who faces allegations of sexual harassment , said he is stepping aside as ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee while an ethics investigation is pending. Conyers, the longest-serving current member in the House of Representatives , continues to deny the allegations and said in a statement, "I very much look forward to vindicating myself and my family before the House Committee on Ethics."

Michigan Rep. John Conyers acknowledges sex harassment settlement

Longtime Michigan Rep. John Conyers acknowledged Tuesday that his office settled a harassment complaint involving a former staffer but said he "vehemently" denies the allegations against him. His office "resolved the allegations" "for an amount that equated to a reasonable severance payment," the 88-year-old Detroit Democrat said in a statement.

Upton considers Senate run as GOP seeks Stabenow challenger

In this My 3, 2017, file photo, Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., left, speaks to reporters outside the White House in Washington, following a meeting with President Donald Trump on health care reform. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore.

Michigan board may declare LGBT discrimination unlawful

A long-stalled movement to make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT people may gain traction - not in the Legislature but with a Michigan board that is being asked to declare that such discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations is already unlawful under state law. The Michigan Civil Rights Commission will meet Monday to consider the request after two months of receiving public feedback, including roughly 300 comments.

What to know about Michigan’s 2018 ballot drives

Faced with an unreceptive Legislature, advocates for marijuana legalization, guaranteed paid sick leave and a host of other bills are banking that you will embrace them at the ballot box - if the proposals make it there. Organizers so far have launched seven initiatives for the November 2018 statewide election and need to collect hundreds of thousands of valid signatures to qualify.

Snyder task force: Municipalities must prefund retiree care

Michigan should require municipalities to prefund new hires' retiree medical costs and help local governments facing substantially underfunded pension and retiree health obligations, a task force created by Gov. Rick Snyder said Tuesday after failing to agree on potential benefit cuts and other issues. The group of 20 voting members was formed in February to study unfunded liabilities at the local level - $10.1 billion for retiree health care in roughly 340 municipalities and $7.5 billion for pensions in nearly 600 communities.

Rick Snyder

Gov. Rick Snyder urged the Republican-led Michigan House on Friday to pass economic development tax incentives when it meets in July, saying there is still time to lure a Taiwanese electronics giant to the state despite the cancellation of a vote on the legislation. Foxconn, which plans to locate a display panel factory in the U.S. that could cost up to $7 billion, will announce investment plans by early August for at least three states, Chairman Terry Gou said Thursday.

Food aid dwindling in world’s fastest-growing refugee crisis

Authorities say a Canadian man from Tunisia crossed legally into the U.S. days before stabbing a police officer in the neck at a Michigan airport. Authorities say a Canadian man from Tunisia crossed legally into the U.S. days before stabbing a police officer in the neck at a Michigan airport.

Huizenga talks about vote to repeal and replace Obamacare

Congressman Bill Huizenga spoke with FOX 17 News live early Thursday evening after casting his vote in support of the American Health Care Act. The bill is being branded as the repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act that Republicans have been promising throughout the 2016 campaign season and beyond.

Sotomayor says University of Michigan needs more blacks

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor gestures after receiving a Doctor of Laws degree from University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel, Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, during a ceremony at the university in Ann Arbor, Mich. less Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor gestures after receiving a Doctor of Laws degree from University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel, Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, during a ceremony at the university in Ann ... more University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel presents Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a Doctor of Laws degree, Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, during a ceremony at the university in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm named senior political commentator at CNN

Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm is joining CNN as a senior political commentator, according to Adweek , a trade publication covering the media and advertising industry. Granholm, a Democrat, is one of nine political commentators and contributors added by the cable news network for 2017 as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office.