Murkowski, Sullivan: Take Kavanaugh accusation seriously

Both of Alaska's U.S. senators said Monday they need to hear more about the allegations of a California professor accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were high school students. "I think we should take this seriously, regardless of the length of time, the passage of time," Sen. Lisa Murkowski said.

Bob Woodward: Aides tried to persuade Donald Trump to let them fact-check his tweets

WASHINGTON Top White House aides tried in vain to persuade President Donald Trump that he should let them check his tweets for accuracy, spelling and tone before he posted them for the world to see, journalist Bob Woodward wrote in his book that was released Tuesday. Woodward said the aides led by former communications director Hope Hicks were alarmed by the outrage over Trump's June 2017 tweet attacking the appearance and intelligence of Mika Brzezinski, a co-host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" political talk show.

The Kavanaugh hustle

Senate Republicans and President Trump share the same inclinations when it comes to one of the worst habits in our politics: placing ideology and partisanship above the health of our institutions. While Trump is destroying the honor and reputation of the presidency, Senate Republicans are doing all they can to destroy the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.

Manchin, Capito Introduce Nuclear Energy Act

Led by Senators Lisa Murkowski and Cory Booker , additional co-sponsors include Senators James Risch , Mike Crapo , Richard Durbin , Sheldon Whitehouse , and Chris Coons . S. 3422, the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act , will help reestablish U.S. leadership in nuclear energy by launching robust public-private partnerships among the federal government, leading research institutions, and the best industry innovators.

Activists Sent 3,000 Coat Hangers To Sen. Collins’s Office To…

Activists sent coat hangers to Maine Sen. Susan Collins's office to protest against confirming Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The Republican senator's office received 3,000 coat hangers, which served as reminders of back-alley abortions, according to The Associated Press Saturday.

Susan Collins: McCain Had ‘Determination To Do What Was Right’

Sen. John McCain's controversial 2017 thumbs-down to an Obamacare repeal and replace bill showcased his unwavering "determination" to vote his conscience despite political pressure, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Sunday. In remarks on CNN's "State of the Union," Collins said "McCain felt very strongly about virtually every issue that he tackled - but it was never based in partisanship."

The Health 202: Democrats seeking to recapture emotion of ACA vote in Kavanaugh fight

Saturday marked one year since Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain's now famous thumbs-down vote that upended the last GOP attempt to fully repeal the Affordable Care Act. In the leadup to that vote, Republicans faced intense political pressure from a grassroots campaign that focused on the often emotional stories of the tens of millions of Americans who would lose coverage if the ACA went away.

Sen. Murkowski Won’t Support Trump Farm Plan

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, does not support President Donald Trump's plan to help farmers who have been hurt by his tariffs, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Murkowski said in an interview with the newspaper that Trump's plan, which aims to use the Agriculture Department's Commodity Credit Corp. to help farmers at a cost of $12 billion, is too costly, too slow and simply "a very small Band-Aid for a much broader problem."

First Republican Congressman joins Democrats to save net neutrality – CNET

The first Republican in the House of Representatives has joined the effort to save the Obama-era 2015 net neutrality rules. On Tuesday, Rep. Mike Coffman from Colorado told the website Politico that he plans to support the Congressional Review Act resolution drafted by Democrats, which aim to save rules the Republican-led .

The Brett Kavanaugh nomination

If Alexander Hamilton had been nominated for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court today, Democrats would likely oppose him. About the court, Hamilton said: "[A] limited Constitution ... can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void.

Labor secretary talks economy, visa program on Alaska visit

Alaska's economy should pick up given an increase in military spending and pro-energy policies of the Trump administration, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said. Acosta toured areas of Interior Alaska with Republican U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan on Sunday, stopping in spots in Fairbanks and King Salmon, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported .

Abortion rights could be litmus test for high court nominee

In this Feb. 15, 2018 file photo, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, left, are shown during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington. The Senate battle over Donald Trump's new Supreme Court nominee is off to a fiery start _ even before the president makes his choice.

Trump’s love for coal and the Republicans who want more solar

While President Donald Trump searches for a way to save America's coal country, some in his own party have their eyes set on what's arguably the exact opposite: making solar shine. Since taking office, Trump has worked to undo his predecessor's renewable energy-friendly policies, levied tariffs on imported solar equipment and signed tax reforms that depleted financing for clean energy projects.

Bill expanding private care for veterans goes to Trump

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., left, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, arrive to vote on a bill to expand private care for military veterans as an alternative to the troubled Veterans Affairs health system, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, May 23, 2018. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and other senators arrive to vote on a bill to expand private care for military veterans as an alternative to the troubled Veterans Affairs health system, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, May 23, 2018.