Conservative states balk at voter-approved medical marijuana

In this Tuesday, July 10, 2018 photo, Chip Paul, who helped write the medical marijuana state question and push for its passage, answers a question for a reporter before a meeting of the Oklahoma Board of Health in Oklahoma City. When nearly 60 percent of voters in Oklahoma approved medical marijuana last month, pot advocates celebrated a hard-fought victory that was the culmination of a years-long effort to ease restrictions on the use of cannabis.

Former Iowa Gov. Ray’s legacy contrasts with modern GOP

Regarded as a savior to many Vietnam War refugees and as a political centrist willing to cross party lines, former Iowa Gov. Robert D. Ray will be remembered at a funeral Friday as a beloved leader - who likely would have a tough time being elected in today's political climate. As Iowa residents of all political stripes reflect on the Republican governor's 14-year bipartisan legacy, many acknowledge that the qualities that made Ray so respected and effective would largely disqualify him as a politician today, reflecting dramatic changes in state and national politics in the 35 years since he left office.

Samsung Phone Catches Fire and Burns Man During Dinner

Man Mowing Lawns In All 50 States Visits Minnesota For the second year in a row, Rodney Smith, Jr. is traveling to all 50 states to promote awareness for the youth to give back to the community. Tim Pawlenty Ad Blasts GOP Opponent Jeff Johnson Pawlenty's ad accuses Johnson of proposing property tax hikes, supporting a sales tax hike and of spending millions of dollars on Obamacare.

7 fast-food chains agree to end ‘no-poaching’ policies

This Feb. 15, 2018, file photo shows a McDonald's Restaurant in Brandon, Miss. Seven national fast-food chains have agreed to end policies that block workers from changing branches, limiting their wages and job opportunities, under the threat of legal action from the state of Washington.

Sacha Baron Cohen’s Purported Showtime Character Fires Back at Sarah Palin

Cohen's Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. is demanding an apology from the former Republican vice presidential candidate, who claims she was duped into a "sick" interview for the comedian's new series, 'Who Is America?' Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr. - a Sacha Baron Cohen character possibly featured in his upcoming Showtime series, Who Is America? - took to Twitter on Thursday to fire back at Sarah Palin for her recent Facebook remarks.

Fast-food chains agree to end ‘no-poaching’ policies

This Feb. 15, 2018, file photo shows a McDonald's Restaurant in Brandon, Miss. Seven national fast-food chains have agreed to end policies that block workers from changing branches, limiting their wages and job opportunities, under the threat of legal action from the state of Washington.

Joe Walsh joins #BoycottShowtime: ‘I too was duped’ by Sacha Baron Cohen

Conservative talk radio host and former Republican Rep. Joe Walsh went on tweetstorm Wednesday calling for a boycott against Showtime after he said he was "duped" by comedic filmmaker Sacha Baron Cohen . Mr. Walsh said his experience with Mr. Cohen and his "cronies" made him inclined to believe Sarah Palin 's account of being tricked into an interview for the comedian's upcoming Showtime series "Who is America?" Mrs. Palin claimed that Mr. Cohen disguised himself as a wounded veteran in a fake interview with the former Alaska governor, which she said she eventually stormed out of after she was asked about a government-funded sex-change operation for former first daughter Chelsea Clinton.

Supreme Court could return abortion debate to the states

Anticipating renewed fights over abortion, some governors and state lawmakers already are searching for ways to enhance or dismantle the right in their constitutions and laws. President Donald Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has raised the possibility that a conservative court majority could weaken or overturn the 1973 Roe v.

States brace for abortion fights after Kavanaugh nomination

Anticipating renewed fights over abortion, some governors and state lawmakers already are looking for ways to enhance or dismantle the right in their own constitutions and laws. President Donald Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court has raised both fears and hopes that a conservative court majority could weaken or overturn the 1973 Roe v.

Why Cagle’s home county may be linchpin in Georgia GOP’s governor’s race Source: WSB-TV

On a sweltering Friday in late June, Gov. Nathan Deal huddled inside a bank boardroom with some of Hall County's most prominent business leaders. The three dozen people knew exactly what was coming: a heart-to-heart with the governor on the race to succeed him.

Democrats staging multimillion-dollar sliming of Kavanaugh

It is difficult to imagine any Republican senator opposing President Trump's nomination to the Supreme Court of Brett M. Kavanaugh, a judge with impeccable credentials, strong intellect and sterling character. If Republicans stay united, Kavanaugh's confirmation as the next associate justice is assured.

How ex-Horizon exec kept ties to company AND became Phil Murphy’s gun guru

In May, Bill Castner walked away from a $1.4 million senior executive job at Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, the state's largest insurance carrier, to advise Gov. Phil Murphy on gun control issues. Castner has agreed to act as a consultant to Horizon -- a state-regulated company -- while at the same time having the ear of the Democratic governor.

Fallin signs emergency rules, infuriates marijuana advocates

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has signed into place strict emergency rules for medical marijuana that pot advocates say are intentionally aimed at delaying the voter-approved use of medicinal cannabis. The term-limited Republican governor signed the rules on Tuesday, just one day after the state's Board of Health adopted them at an emergency meeting after last-minute changes to ban the sale of smokable marijuana and require a pharmacist at every pot dispensary.

At Start of NATO Summit, Trump Renews Push for Allies to Increase…

Yup - we were duped. Ya' got me, Sacha. Feel better now? - I join a long list of American public personalities who have fallen victim to the evil, exploitive, sick "humor" of the British "comedian" Sacha Baron Cohen, enabled and sponsored by CBS/Showtime.

Facebook Gave a Russian Internet Giant a Special Data Extension

Yup - we were duped. Ya' got me, Sacha. Feel better now? - I join a long list of American public personalities who have fallen victim to the evil, exploitive, sick "humor" of the British "comedian" Sacha Baron Cohen, enabled and sponsored by CBS/Showtime.

Oklahoma fast-tracking medical marijuana, but with pushback

Oklahoma pushed ahead with emergency rules Tuesday aimed at fast-tracking operations of the medical marijuana industry, but not before concerned health officials tacked on requirements that cannabis advocates say will only slow things down. The state Board of Health narrowly voted to prohibit the sale of smokable marijuana and require that dispensaries must have a pharmacist on staff.