Murphy wants details on reunification of migranta

In a letter to federal agencies, Murphy and five other governors demand details about the welfare of more than 2,000 children separated at the border. Murphy demands details on how children separated at border will be reunited with parents In a letter to federal agencies, Murphy and five other governors demand details about the welfare of more than 2,000 children separated at the border.

Big-name charter school backers donate to key governor races

Prominent charter school supporters are dishing out campaign money, as key gubernatorial races in several states have now begun in earnest. June primary contests set up a number of state battles for governor in the midterm elections this November, with both Democratic and Republican candidates that could change how public resources flow into charter and private schools in the coming years.

US senator: Moscow must not meddle in the 2018 election

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, back to a camera, listens to U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., right, during his meeting with U.S. congressional delegation in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, July 3, 2018. The U.S. ... MOSCOW - Visiting U.S. senators on Wednesday urged Russia not to meddle in the U.S. midterm election in November if it wants to improve strained bilateral ties.

Drop that phone: It’s now illegal to hold your mobile device while driving in Georgia

It's now illegal to hold your phone while driving in the state of Georgia, part of a sweeping hands-free law that went into effect Sunday. Reading from a phone or using it to record video is banned, too, according to the Governor's Office of Highway Safety , including at stoplights.

Washington voters likely to take up carbon fee initiative

In this May 10, 2018, file photo, Abigail Doerr, campaign director for Yes on 1631, holds up an initiative petition with signatures on it, at a rally to kick off the campaign for "Yes on 1631," in Seattle Washington. Washington state is trying once again to charge industrial emitters a fee for their carbon emissions.

LOVETT: Potential leftist surge in New York could be tough for polls to pick up

If fired-up young and minority progressives are set to affect the state Democratic primaries, the polls could be the last to show it. But in New York, where the electorate is charged up in the President Trump era and 400,000 new Democrats have registered since 2014, it could make the job even tougher, forcing both public and private pollsters to engage in new models in hopes of getting it right.

Working Families Party hires petition carriers for Nixon

Cynthia Nixon spoke last at The Working Family Party State Convention, held Saturday at The First Corinthian Baptist Church, Harlem, NY. The following is an expanded version of the second item from my "Albany Insider" column from Monday's print editions: The Working Families Party has hired people to help circulate designation petitions to get actress and activist Cynthia Nixon on the Sept.

Walker takes to campaign trail with parade stop in Kenosha

Gov. Scott Walker took to the campaign trail in Kenosha Sunday, taking part in the the Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade and meeting with residents outside Sir Claude's Barber and Beauty, 2327 63rd St. Contrary to Republican leadership in the statehouse, Walker said he was in favor of the Legislature taking up closing the "dark stores" loophole that allows big retailers to curtail their tax assessments. "This has been an issue that hasn't creeped up in the last two years.

A quick guide to provocative things that U.S. Senate GOP candidate Corey Stewart has said and done

Corey Stewart's capture of Virginia's Republican nomination for U.S. Senate has prompted an identity crisis within the state GOP, with some so turned off, they are willing to vote for his Democratic opponent, Sen. Tim Kaine. Stewart, chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, has celebrated guns and Confederate statues, lambasted illegal immigrants and associated with white nationalist Jason Kessler.

Supreme Court nomination will put red-state Democrats in even bigger campaign quandary

Red-state Democrats seeking re-election this fall were already facing the difficult task of navigating between their own virulently anti- Trump national party and the Republican-leaning voters needed to win back home. But that narrow path has become even more of a tightrope now that incumbents will be asked to take sides on the president's impending Supreme Court nomination.

They ‘listen when it’s Amazon.’ Second headquarters race revives transit, education projects

SAN FRANCISCO By definition, 19 cities on Amazon's list of potential homes for its second headquarters won't make the cut. But even if they don't win the golden ticket up to 50,000 tech jobs and a $5 billion investment Amazon may be leaving its stamp.

Officials: Report boosts prospects for 2nd shipping lock

A federal report greatly improves prospects for building a long-awaited, $1 billion Great Lakes navigational lock needed to ensure flow of raw materials essential for steelmaking and other manufacturing, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and other supporters said Friday. The report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers boosts a key benefit-cost score for the proposed project at the Soo Locks on the St. Marys River between Lake Superior and Lake Huron.

The Latest: Rep. Crowley wishes ‘the best’ for Ocasio-Cortez

In this Friday, June 22, 2018, photo, Mike Kennedy speaks at a backyard meet and greet in Holladay, Utah. Mitt Romney faces state lawmaker Kennedy on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, as the ex-presidential nominee looks to restart his po... U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley says he wishes "the best" for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the challenger who beat him in the Democratic congressional primary in New York in a highly unexpected upset.