Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce

Split unlikely to surprise many as their public positions on the divisive rightwing president diverged quickly and radically

Kellyanne Conway, a former senior adviser to Donald Trump as president, and her husband George Conway, who became a vociferously anti-Trump Republican, are to divorce, the Washington power couple announced on Saturday.

The confirmation of the split is unlikely to surprise many in the politics-watching classes as, during the Trump administration, their public positions on the divisive rightwing president diverged quickly and radically.

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White House asks Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway to quit military academy boards – video

The White House has confirmed that Trump appointees to military service academy advisory boards, among them former press secretary Sean Spicer and adviser Kellyanne Conway, have been asked to step down or be fired. During a White House press briefing Jen Psaki responded to questions about whether this risked politicising these  appointments: 'I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified, or not political, to serve on these boards, but the president’s qualification requirements are not your party registration, they are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you’re aligned with the values of this administration.'

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Biden asks Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway to quit military academy boards

White House confirms that 11 Trump appointees were asked to step down – or be fired – including Conway and Spicer

The White House confirmed on Wednesday that 11 Trump appointees to military service academy advisory boards, among them former press secretary Sean Spicer and adviser Kellyanne Conway, were asked to step down – or be fired.

Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said: “The president’s objective is what any president’s objective is – to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values. And so yes, that was an ask that was made.”

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Scrutiny on Rose Garden event after Kellyanne Conway and other guests test positive for Covid

At least seven people who attended event for Trump’s supreme court nominee have confirmed they have coronavirus

A crowded Rose Garden ceremony last Saturday at which Donald Trump announced Amy Coney Barrett as his supreme court nominee has come under scrutiny after at least seven figures in attendance tested positive for coronavirus, including the president himself.

On Friday, the president’s former counsellor, Kellyanne Conway, announced she had tested positive and had “mild” symptoms.

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Mike Pence claims Americans would be unsafe under Biden in dark RNC speech

Vice-president does not mention Jacob Blake as he champions ‘law and order on the streets’ amid protests

In the shadow of deepening unrest in Wisconsin, Mike Pence warned darkly of the violence and mayhem that would ensue under a Democratic administration during a keynote address on the third night of the Republican national convention on Wednesday.

The vice-president, speaking from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, where the raising of the American flag during the war of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to write the poem that would later become The Star-Spangled Banner, echoed several conservative speakers in painting a dystopian portrait of America’s major cities and accusing the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, of tolerating violence and vandalism.

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‘Quid pro quo, yes or no?’ Trump allies face Ukraine question

As Donald Trump repeated his demand that the whistleblower who triggered the impeachment inquiry should be identified, White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway refused to say the president did not offer the leader of Ukraine a quid pro quo involving military aid and the investigation of his political rivals.

Related: Experts on Trump's conduct: 'Plainly an abuse of power, plainly impeachable'

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Biden, Sanders and Harris to face off as Democratic debate lineups set – live

Trio drawn together for split NBC debate on 26-27 June, while Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and Beto O’Rourke to meet in other group

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting read about how after launching an atypical presidential election bid, Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign team is taking a more traditional path:

The campaign aims to build a political infrastructure that can operate regardless of what Mr. Trump says on stage or on social media. Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed is spoken of as his own brand, separate from the campaign.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has only a few weeks left of her tenure as White House press secretary and the rumor mill is churning with possible replacements.

Four possible replacements, according to Reuters, are: Stephanie Grisham, Melania Trump’s communications director; Heather Nauert, the former State Department spokeswoman; Tony Sayegh, the outgoing Treasury department spokesman and Hogan Gidley, deputy White House secretary.

Once, after watching Gidley on his screen in the residence, the President walked over to the communications office to tell the staff he thought they were handling the shutdown well.

In the days afterward, Trump confused several officials when he directed them to, “Get me Tidley.”

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Kellyanne Conway violated US law and should be fired, federal watchdog says

White House spokesman says the agency’s report that the counselor had violated the Hatch Act was ‘deeply flawed’

A US federal watchdog is recommending that Donald Trump fire one of his most ardent and high-profile defenders, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, for repeatedly violating a law that limits political activity by government workers.

Conway should be removed from federal office, the US Office of Special Counsel (OSC) announced on Thursday.

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Trump picks up two Razzies as Holmes & Watson dominates worst of Hollywood

Trump wins for worst actor and worst screen combo, but the Will Ferrell detective comedy scores for worst film and director

President Donald Trump and a comedy movie take on Sherlock Holmes on Saturday topped the annual Razzie awards for the worst performances and films of 2018.

Holmes & Watson, starring Will Ferrell and John C Reilly, was the biggest winner, taking four trophies including worst film and worst rip-off. Reilly also was named worst supporting actor in what Razzie founder John Wilson called the “clueless parody” of the classic detective tale.

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Kellyanne Conway says she was assaulted at a restaurant last year

Trump adviser said a woman approached her in a Mexican restaurant ‘screaming her head off’ in October 2018

Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to Donald Trump, has given an account of an alleged assault she suffered and her teenage daughter witnessed when she was grabbed by an angry woman in a restaurant last year.

Related: Rosenstein did not want to write memo justifying Comey firing – new book

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