White House chief of staff dismisses Covid concerns as four at RNC test positive – live

Donald Trump is holding a rally for supporters in New Hampshire. He will speak any minute now. If you care to tune in you can here - if not, I will be blogging it here so stand by for updates.

The crowd at Trump’s NH rally just booed an announcement telling people to put on their masks

Germany chancellor Angela Merkel laughed off a question during a Friday press conference of whether she had been “charmed” by Donald Trump.

The question was in response to a statement made this week by Richard Grenell, the former US director of national intelligence and ambassador to Germany, who claimed Trump had smoothed over the historically strained relationship between German and the US by enchanting Merkel.

This is one of my new favourite Merkel moments. A journalist asks her about Richard Grenell's claim that Trump "charmed" Merkel. You don't need to speak German to enjoy her reaction:pic.twitter.com/RSjHSNXXtX

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Protesters try to drown out Donald Trump’s acceptance speech on last day of RNC – video highlights

Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday, as protesters outside the White House did their best to drown out his speech. Here are highlights of the last night of the 2020 Republican national convention

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Trump unleashes diatribe of falsehoods and baseless attacks in RNC finale

Trump portrayed Biden as a creature of the Washington swamp, beat the drum of law and order and said little about racial injustice

You write him off at your peril. Donald Trump stood at one of America’s most hallowed spaces on Thursday – the White House – and bent it to his will, just as he has bent the Republican party and swaths of America.

Related: RNC: Trump paints Biden as a 'radical' candidate and a danger to America

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Donald Trump slams Joe Biden in Republican nomination acceptance speech – video

Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican party's nomination for re-election in front of the White House on Thursday night.

'This is the most important election in the history of our country,' Trump said after he 'profoundly' accepted his party's nomination.

Trump went on to excoriate the Democratic party and argue that the choice for voters is between a president who has a record of unmatched accomplishments and an opposition party and candidate eager to tear down the country.

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Donald Trump portrays Biden as threat to America in RNC speech packed with falsehoods – live

That’s it from us tonight. Here are the key takeaways of the final night of the Republican convention:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reportedly plans to resign due to his health.

The Japanese outlet NHK reports:

Abe Shinzo is scheduled to hold a news conference later in the day to explain his decision.

Abe has visited a hospital twice over the past two weeks, fuelling speculation that his health has deteriorated.

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Trump attacks Biden as eager to ‘tear down’ America in RNC speech

President accepts Republican presidential nomination in event staged at White House, raising ethical concerns

Against a backdrop of a global pandemic, heightened racial tensions, and widespread unemployment, Donald Trump framed his Democratic rival Joe Biden as the real danger to the country’s safety and economic welfare in his address to the Republican convention on Thursday.

Accepting the party’s presidential nomination ahead of November’s elections, Trump argued for more than an hour that his administration had accomplished everything it had set out to do and warned that a Biden presidency could be ruinous.

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Trump puts women ‘on equal footing’ with men, say female advisers at RNC – video

A strong female contingent was out in force during the third day of the Republican national convention, with Trump’s advisers attempting to paint a picture of a compassionate, open-minded president in an apparent attempt to win over female voters. 

Kayleigh McEnany recounted how the president called her after her mastectomy, the White House adviser Kellyanne Conway applauded Trump for putting women 'on equal footing with the men' and his daughter-in law, Lara Trump, described the Trump family as 'warm and caring'.

The president’s advisers ignored the dozens of sexual misconduct allegations against Trump (which he denies) and his history of referring to women as 'dogs' and 'fat pigs'. 

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Mike Pence claims you ‘won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America’ in RNC address – video

Continuing to fan the flames of fear, on the third day of the Republican national convention the US vice president, Mike Pence, said: 'The hard truth is you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America'.

In a dark speech laden with ominous warnings about a future without Trump at the helm, and incorrect statements about the president's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pence vowed to 'make America great again, again'.

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Mike Pence claims Americans would be unsafe under Biden in dark RNC speech

Vice-president does not mention Jacob Blake as he champions ‘law and order on the streets’ amid protests

In the shadow of deepening unrest in Wisconsin, Mike Pence warned darkly of the violence and mayhem that would ensue under a Democratic administration during a keynote address on the third night of the Republican national convention on Wednesday.

The vice-president, speaking from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, where the raising of the American flag during the war of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to write the poem that would later become The Star-Spangled Banner, echoed several conservative speakers in painting a dystopian portrait of America’s major cities and accusing the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, of tolerating violence and vandalism.

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Republican convention delivers whirlwind of lies great and small

Speaker after speaker piled falsehood upon falsehood to recast Trump as a saintly feminist preoccupied with the nation’s health

As Hurricane Laura roared towards the southern US coast, the Republican national convention unleashed Hurricane Liar.

There were lies aplenty at the last convention in Cleveland four years ago but, in those innocent days, reporters were still reluctant to call a lie a lie. Donald Trump blew that up on his first day in office when he and his officials claimed his inauguration crowd was bigger than Barack Obama’s.

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Trump’s presidential powers on full display at day two of RNC – video report

Ethical questions were raised during day two of the Republican national convention, as Donald Trump was accused of misusing trappings of his office for political purposes and using the White House as a prop. 

Pardoning convicts, naturalisation ceremonies and speeches from the White House were just a few of the items on the agenda that caused concern. 

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Melania Trump addresses Covid death toll, calls for unity amid racial tensions in RNC speech – video

US first lady Melania Trump bucked the attacking trend of the 2020 Republican national convention speeches, addressing the country's large coronavirus death toll and calling for unity amid growing racial tension. The speech shifted the tone on an evening spent criticising the policies of Democratic rivals including Joe Biden. Melania Trump's speech was the third of the evening from the president's family, following addresses from daughter Tiffany and son Eric

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Mike Pompeo address to RNC from Jerusalem praises Trump for standing up to China – video

Mike Pompeo has lavished praise upon Donald Trump in a speech to the Republican National Convention that itself is prompting questions about its legality. Pompeo delivered a recorded speech to the RNC while on an official visit to Israel, potentially breaching federal law according to Democrats. Pompeo's address celebrated Trump's decision to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem, and congratulated the president for standing up to China and wiping out the Isis caliphate

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RNC 2020: Trump hailed as a benevolent chief who deserves re-election

Speakers – including three members of the president’s family – spouted falsehoods about his character and his opponent

The best courtroom dramas involve a defence lawyer who can work miracles of persuasion and, no matter how damning the evidence, convince the jury that their client is innocent.

A week after Democratic prosecutors presented their “open and shut” case against Donald Trump, the virtual Republican national convention is not only attempting to get him off the hook but argue that he deserves a medal – and four more years in the White House.

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Republicans shatter norms by using government roles during political convention

Trump allies and family members also used misleading claims to portray the president as the best hope for America’s future

Allies of Donald Trump shattered political norms, stirred controversy and issued misleading claims against Democrats during the second night of the Republican party’s national convention on Tuesday.

In speech after speech, a collection of Trump’s family members, allies, rightwing campaigners and swing-state farmers portrayed the president as the best hope for America’s future.

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‘The Trump show’ continues as RNC heads to second night packed with Donald’s family – US politics live

  • Jacob Blake will need ‘miracle’ to walk again, says lawyer
  • Wisconsin governor declares state of emergency over protests
  • Melania, Eric and Tiffany Trump expected to appear Tuesday
  • 503 US deaths and 40,309 new coronavirus cases yesterday
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Where’s the GOP condemnation for an extremist, conspiracy theory candidate?

Guardian reporter Julia Carrie Wong, who has reported extensively on the QAnon conspiracy theory, notes that there is an interesting historical precedent for what Republican politicians could do when an extremist candidate is running for office as part of their party, as QAnon supporter congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene is now doing.

The David Duke season of Slow Burn provided a really interesting and timely counterexample of how a national party *can* react when a fringe extremist is running for office. Both Reagan (former president) and HW Bush (current president) ran TV ads against Duke in 1989. https://t.co/e1YpyqULxH

By contrast, Trump has praised Greene, tacitly endorsed the false & antisemitic conspiracy theory she supports, and now invited her to the White House. Meanwhile, his chief of staff has given her campaign money. https://t.co/EGAkQk0YeY

Thunderstorms might disrupt Melania Trump’s Rose Garden speech tonight

This is Lois Beckett, taking over our live politics coverage from our west coast office in California, where wildfires across the state have displaced more than 100,000 people, and smoke and particles from the fires have made the air unhealthy to breathe for millions of other residents. (You can follow our wildfires live coverage here.)

JUST IN: Severe thunderstorm watch for entire DC area thru 11p. Most likely time for storms, passing from northwest to southeast, between 6 and 10p. A few storms may produce damaging winds. We'll monitor and update as necessary.
Updates: https://t.co/QC9KsWX1Oy pic.twitter.com/bnK2Xc6YWo

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A dark agenda at the heart of the RNC’s first day – video report

Unbridled fear-based rhetoric filled the first day of the 2020 Republican national convention, with participants focused on the alleged dangers of electing Joe Biden as president. Other topics included concern for the future of the economy, stoking racial divisions and praise for Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic

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RNC night one: Republicans argue only Trump can save America

President’s allies and family issued dark warnings of what’s at stake in the election, and an array of misleading claims

Republicans have used the first night of their national convention to issue dark warnings about the future of America, arguing that re-electing Donald Trump is the only way to save the country from falling into socialism, economic ruin, violence and anarchy.

Monday night’s theme was officially the “land of promise,” but the collection of speeches offered an almost apocalyptic vision of what’s at stake in November’s elections, and a dizzying array of misleading claims.

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Donald Trump accuses Democrats of plot to ‘steal’ election at Republican convention – video

In an unscheduled appearance on the first day of the Republican national convention, Donald Trump falsely claimed Democrats were attempting to steal the election by expanding absentee voting during the coronavirus pandemic. 'The only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election,' he told delegates in Charlotte, North Carolina

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Trump formally renominated by Republicans as convention gets under way – live

During Donald Trump’s address to the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, he referred to Barack Obama and someone in the gathered ranks can be heard shouting out what sounds like: “Monkey”.

That is how it’s being initially reported. You can hear the audience laughing. Trump continues for a moment, then smirks and says: “Let’s be nice”, continues for another moment, then chuckles, points into the audience and says: “That can only happen in North Carolina.

When President Trump mentioned Obama, someone from the crowd shouted, “Monkey!” and the president relished in it.


Do you approve of this @ThomTillis? pic.twitter.com/vOxAmRJByZ

More on lawsuits facing the Trump organization – New York state Attorney General Letitia James has filed a lawsuit investigating whether Trump inflated the valuations of certain assets.

New York’s Democratic attorney general asked a court Monday to enforce subpoenas into an investigation into whether President Donald Trump and his businesses inflated assets on financial statements.

Attorney General Letitia James filed a petition in state trial court in New York City naming the Trump Organization, an umbrella group for the Republican president’s holdings, as a respondent along with other business entities. The filing also named Eric Trump and Seven Springs, a New York estate owned by the Trump family.

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