Energy – Tsunamis’ Threaten to Drag Oil Down to $10, Engie Says

The oil industry must brace for five energy "tsunamis" that threaten to drag prices as low as $10 a barrel in less than a decade, according to The falling cost of solar power and battery storage, rising sales of electric vehicles, increasingly "smart" buildings and cheap hydrogen will all weigh on crude, Thierry Lepercq, head of research, technology and innovation at the French energy company, said in an interview. "Even if oil demand continues to climb until 2025, its price could drop to $10 if markets anticipate a significant fall in demand," Lepercq said at his office near Paris.

Plan divvies up desert for conservation, energy projects

Swaths of public land in the California desert will be opened to solar and wind farms under a federal plan released Wednesday that preserves much of the landscape for conservation and recreation. The long-awaited blueprint finalized by the U.S. Interior Department after a yearslong process seeks to balance renewable energy development and species protection on 17,000 square miles of desert managed by the federal government.

Guide to Florida’s primary election; early Panhandle voting totals in Updated at

Florida voters will go to the polls Tuesday and select the nominees for U.S. Senate, decide whether to amend the state constitution to give a property tax break to promote solar energy and have a say in who should represent them in the U.S. House.

Du Brook Dairy Offsetting as much as 50% Energy Demand with New…

We talked to several solar providers, and Sun Valley Solar Solutions was the most responsive and helpful...Plus, their experience with the agriculture community gave us confidence we were in the right hands. At Du Brook Dairy in Casa Grande, Arizona, a 314-kilowatt SunPower solar power system designed and installed by Sun Valley Solar Solutions has reduced the Dairy's reliance on purchased utility grid power by as much as 50%, and is projected to save more than $520,000 in the first 20 years.

Coal Firm to Pay Obama Mentor $435,000 to Fight Climate Plan

Peabody Energy Corp. is set to pay President Barack Obama's Harvard Law School mentor $435,000 this year to help the bankrupt coal producer challenge the administration's signature environmental law. The payments to Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law expert and legal icon -- spanning May to December this year -- were disclosed in a legal filing tied to Peabody's bankruptcy proceedings.

Obama meets Indian PM, seeks implementation of climate pact

India will try to join a climate change deal within this year, the Obama administration said Tuesday, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President Barack Obama at the White House and the two leaders played up their efforts to cooperate on issues of global concern. Stressing their "strong bonds," Obama said the world's two largest democracies had "joined forces" to bring about the landmark climate agreement that was reached in Paris last December.