Government Shutdown: What’s Closed? Who is Affected?

White House blasts 'obstructionist loser' Democrats for blocking spending bill while Schumer blames 'chaotic' Trump as potential deal falters and the country is plunged into crippling shutdown Mo'nique calls for a BOYCOTT of Netflix over 'gender and color bias' after she's offered a $500,000 deal while other comedians receive millions Tom Petty's family reveal he died of an accidental overdose from a huge cocktail of pain medication - including Fentanyl and oxycodone - that he was taking for a broken hip Are you SURE you have the flu? Or is it just a common cold? Experts explain the red flags to look out for The flu shot may be MORE effective now than ever - and it won't make you sick: We break down the myths and facts about this year's vaccine 'I said, "what are we going to do about this?"': Trump's awkward Howard Stern remarks suggesting he considered ABORTING Tiffany come back to ... (more)

Want To Help The Opioid Crisis? Pass Tax Reform

The United States is experiencing a drug epidemic the likes of which have not been seen here before. Beginning in the 1990s, doctors began widely prescribing a class of highly addictive pain medications called opioids for patients with mild to moderate pain.

Ahlquist announces plan to cut opioid deaths in half in 4 years if elected governor

Working as an emergency room doctor for more than 18 years, Tommy Ahlquist says he saw first-hand the "devastating effects" of opioid overdoses and deaths. But traveling around the state this year while campaigning for governor , Ahlquist said his conversations with police, first responders and health care professionals were "very eye-opening for me."

Trump’s Weak Response to the Overdose Epidemic

You'd think it would be impossible to kill 100 people a day, every day, without inducing widespread shock and deafening demands for action. But that's what opioids have been doing for the past decade, and Americans have given it only passing attention.

Pharma billionaire John Kapoor charged with pushing powerful opioid

U.S. prosecutors leveled charges Thursday against the billionaire founder of an opioid medication maker that has faced increasing scrutiny from authorities across the country over allegations of pushing prescriptions of powerful painkillers amid a drug epidemic that is claiming thousands of lives each year. The fraud and racketeering case against Insys Therapeutics founder John Kapoor, ... U.S. prosecutors leveled charges Thursday against the billionaire founder of an opioid medication maker that has faced increasing scrutiny from authorities across the country over allegations of pushing prescriptions of powerful painkillers amid a drug epidemic that is claiming thousands of lives each year.

Drug company billionaire arrested on charges of opioid conspiracy

John Kapoor, a billionaire whose company developed a liquid version of the opioid painkiller fentanyl, was arrested in Phoenix on Thursday on charges that he spearheaded a scheme to bribe doctors and pharmacists across the nation to boost sales - largely to patients who did not need the medication. The scheme was first described in December in an indictment against six executives at the company, Insys Therapeutics in Chandler, Ariz.

This Marijuana Company’s in Hot Water With the DOJ

Ongoing investigations into the marketing of its once high-flying fentanyl spray, Subsys, have taken a lot of the luster off Insys Therapeutics ' attempt to reshape marijuana's use as medicine. Today, investigations by the Justice Department led to the arrest of former Insys Therapeutics employees, including former CEO Michael Babich, casting more uncertainty on this company's future.

Sheriff: Face-biting suspect may have ingested chemical

The disclosure that some pills found at Prince's Paisley Park home and studio were counterfeit and contained the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl strongly suggests the pills came to the superstar musician... The disclosure that some pills found at Prince's Paisley Park home and studio were counterfeit and contained the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl strongly suggests the pills came to the superstar musician illegally. A South Carolina mother is charged with killing her infant son by putting him in the refrigerator for several hours.

The Latest: Massacre suspect charged with 6 counts of murder

Dearman, of Leakesville, Mississippi, will be charged wi... . Crime scene tape marks the home on Jim Platt Road near Citronelle, Ala., Sunday, Aug. 21, 2016, where authorities said five people were killed on Saturday.

Chinese rocket sends streak of light across Western US sky

The latest version of a booklet that Texas produces for women considering an abortion suggests medical connections between terminating pregnancies and heightened risks of breast cancer and depression. The new version of a booklet that Texas produces for women considering an abortion is being criticized for suggesting that terminating pregnancies can lead to heightened risks for breast cancer and depression.


"I received a call that people were pouring into the emergency room dead on arrival after taking counterfeit Norco laced with fentanyl," Sacramento County Public Health Officer Dr. Olivia Kasirye told health professionals gathered at the Prescription Drug Awareness Conference held at Sacramento State University on May 20. Trying desperately to prevent additional deaths, Kasirye says she went into overdrive to get the word out about this dangerous batch of fake Norco. Norco is a prescription painkiller, but this batch contained fentanyl, a powerful painkiller hundreds of times stronger than heroin.