James Cameron denies rumors he is working on film about Titan sub

Titanic director and deep-sea expert tweets he is not in talks about OceanGate movie after report published in the Sun

James Cameron has debunked the rumors that he is working on a film about the recent implosion of the OceanGate submersible, an accident that took the lives of all five people on board, and called the claims “offensive”.

The director and noted deep-sea expert tweeted an impassioned note to followers on Saturday after the Sun published a report titled: “DIVE DEEP Titanic director James Cameron in talks with major streaming network to create drama series on doomed Titan sub.” The piece claimed that an “insider” told the publication that Cameron “is first choice for director” of a film about the events on the Titan submersible.

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James Cameron calls Titan submersible design ‘critically flawed’

Film-maker who has dived to Titanic wreckage more than 30 times says it was ‘only a matter of time’ before tragedy occurred

Veteran deep-sea explorer and film-maker James Cameron said on Friday that the design of the Titan submersible was “critically flawed”, and it was “only a matter of time” before the tragedy occurred – as Canada’s transportation safety board said it was launching an investigation.

“People in the deep sea submergence engineering community warned the company that this could lead to catastrophic failure,” Cameron told ABC’s Good Morning America show on Friday morning, referring to the carbon fiber hull of the 22ft (6.7m) vessel.

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James Cameron defends three-hour Avatar sequel: ‘I don’t want whining’

Director rejects fears that the sequel to record-breaking 2009 blockbuster will be met with apathy, since ‘people binge-watch TV for eight hours!’

James Cameron has pre-empted fears that his forthcoming sequel to 2009’s Avatar will be met with apathy when it’s released in December.

Speaking to Empire, Cameron addressed the frequent criticism of the original film that few can remember the name – Jake Sully – of its protagonist, played by Sam Worthington.

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Mother of all sci-fi: which is the best Alien movie?

The series has delivered a horror masterwork, a seminal shoot-em-up and some auteurist gems ... but how do they rank?

What better way to celebrate the recent Alien Day than to place the eight movies in the long-running space saga into some kind of order of excellence? And also perhaps to ask how so many film-makers have managed to muck up the original film’s formula.

Let’s start at the bottom. The two Alien vs Predator movies from 2004 and 2007 are now remembered largely for their staggering blandness, as if everybody involved had forgotten what made the early films so chilling. Ostensibly B-movies, but lacking the joyful, half-cocked knockabout bombast of a Roger Corman or Ray Kellogg film, they even disappointed fans of the crossover comic books that spawned them. If 20th Century Fox thought it was getting the new Ridley Scott when the studio hired Paul WS Anderson to direct ’s Alien vs Predator they were sadly mistaken. Bringing the xenomorphs to Earth, as Fox had intended to do in 1992 prior to David Fincher’s Alien 3, turned out to be the dumbest move since John Hurt decided to take a closer peek at the funny egg thing on LV-426. Even a smart moment of stunt-casting – Aliens’ Lance Henriksen as Charles Bishop Weyland – couldn’t paper over the cracks of this weirdly bloodless film. Aliens vs Predator: Requiem upped the gore but dropped quality levels even further, with untried music video directors Colin and Greg Strause at the helm. That the saga survived at all after this twin descent into movie purgatory is remarkable in itself.

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