Obama affirms Trump’s commitment to NATO

President Barack Obama said Monday that the United States would remain the world's "indispensable" power and that President-elect Donald Trump had told him he was committed to NATO. "In my conversations with the President-elect, he expressed a great interest in maintaining our core strategic relationships," Obama said, adding that he had a message from Trump to pass on to world leaders he will meet this week.

‘Sometimes people want to try something to shake things up’: Obama in Greece

United States President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that Donald Trump tapped into a "troubling" strain of rhetoric playing on Americans' fears of globalisation to win the presidency. Obama was speaking after talks with Greek PM Alexis Tsipras in the capital, Athens, as part of a final tour that also takes in Germany and Peru.

EU chief worried by Trump’s trans-Atlantic intentions

President Barack Obama arrived in Greece Tuesday morning on the first stop of his final foreign tour as president, the first visit to Greece by a sitting U.S. president since Bill Clinton in 1999. President Barack Obama opened his final foreign trip as president Tuesday with reassuring words in Greece about the U.S. commitment to NATO even as he prepares to hand off to a Donald Trump administration, saying... A national trucking company has agreed to pay $260,000 to settle discrimination complaints by four Sikh truckers who were denied jobs for refusing drug tests that violated their religious beliefs.

Obama urges Americans to give Trump a chance

President Barack Obama encouraged Americans Monday to give President-elect Donald Trump some time to get adjusted to the responsibilities of the presidency. But in his first news conference since last week's stunning election results, Obama warned that some of Trump's expectations will soon be shaken up by the gravity of the job.

Obama offers Greeks reassurance about US commitment to NATO

President Barack Obama opened his final foreign trip as president Tuesday with reassuring words in Greece about the U.S. commitment to NATO even as he prepares to hand off to a Donald Trump administration, saying Democratic and Republican administrations alike recognize the importance of the alliance to the trans-Atlantic relationship. Without mentioning Trump by name, Obama told Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos that a strong NATO is of "utmost importance" and would provide "significant continuity even as we see a transition in government in the United States."

Report: UK government said to have no plan for Brexit

Britain will be a "global champion of free trade," according to d... President Barack Obama arrived in Greece Tuesday morning on the first stop of his final foreign tour as president, the first visit to Greece by a sitting U.S. president since Bill Clinton in 1999. President Barack Obama opened his final foreign trip as president Tuesday with reassuring words in Greece about the U.S. commitment to NATO even as he prepares to hand off to a Donald Trump administration, saying... A national trucking company has agreed to pay $260,000 to settle discrimination complaints by four Sikh truckers who were denied jobs for refusing drug tests that violated their religious beliefs.

The Monday news briefing: An at-a-glance survey of some top stories

OBAMA SAYS U.S. UNDER TRUMP WILL MAINTAIN ALLIANCES: U.S. President Barack Obama says the U.S. under Donald Trump will remain the "indispensable nation" for global security and praised the president-elect for vowing to maintain America's alliances. Obama said relationships and policies go beyond presidents and military officials, diplomats and intelligence officers would with their foreign counterparts as before.

Obama leaves with conciliatory message on Trump

The last time President Barack Obama took questions from reporters abroad, he dismissed Donald Trump as an "unqualified" peddler of "wacky ideas," expressing confidence during his September swing through Asia that voters would ultimately reject the candidate who ran so vocally against his own agenda. Now, as he departs for his final scheduled overseas trip as president, Obama faces an altogether different scenario: Trump is his successor, and instead of a cheering farewell tour, he's embarking upon a reassurance mission for deeply shaken foreign allies.

Obama defends NATO, EU amid rise of Trump

President Barack Obama delivered a staunch defense of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, amid lingering doubts about the commitment of his successor Donald Trump to maintaining the ties between the U.S. and its closest allies. "The EU and NATO are extraordinary forces for peace and stability," Obama said in an interview with Greece's Kathimerini newspaper before visits this week to Athens and Berlin.

CNN projects Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.

American allies woke up to Donald Trump's victory early Wednesday deeply unsettled, questioning whether the US will remain a stalwart partner and a stable pillar of the international order. Trump himself promised change and uncertainty in his first major foreign policy address in April, saying he would "shake the rust off America's foreign policy" and that the US would "have to be unpredictable, and we have to be unpredictable starting now."

David Oualaalou, Board of Contributors: Americans neglect foreign policy at their peril

Among tragic failures of the 2016 presidential campaign is the fact that, amidst talk lately of sabotaged emails, sex banter, Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest and empty Trump philanthropic gestures, serious discussion of foreign-policy issues facing the United States is trivialized if raised at all. No wonder.

Russians unconcerned by Kremlin’s saber-rattling

BALTIYSK, Russia - Russia held civil defense drills involving 40 million people this month, the largest since the collapse of the Soviet Union. State media broadcast instantly recognizable Soviet imagery, showing school children trying on gas masks, and urge viewers to find the nearest bomb shelter "before it's too late."

Norway welcomes US Marines amid Russian tensions

US Marines are coming to Norway -- a move that could send a chill down Russian President Vladimir Putin's spine. The move, which was sought by the Americans and announced Monday by Norway, comes as tensions between the US and Russia are increasing amid the humanitarian disaster in Syria and US assertions of Moscow's involvement in cyber hacks on American political organizations and individuals.

Does A Hillary Presidency Mean Nuclear War with Russia?

The most critical questions in this election were pointedly never asked. Do the candidates see nuclear war as "winnable", as neocon think tanks now postulate - and are they willing to use nuclear weapons, regardless of the consequences for humanity? Do they understand the consequences of demonizing Russia and its leader without producing any real evidence to support those charges, of replacing diplomatic relations with expanded economic sanctions and threats of attacks on Russia ? Do they seek a war with Russia in spite of the risk of global devastation ? If so, why? The world knows Mrs. Clinton to be a war hawk with an atrocious record for failed regime change operations, for destroying societies and leaving the hapless citizens to fester in post-bombing chaos and filth.

NBC News: Obama Administration Plans Cyber Attack ‘Message’ to Moscow

The Obama administration is considering launching a covert cyber attack against Russia to retaliate for the country's alleged interference in this year's presidential election, according to intelligence officials, with Vice President Joe Biden saying Friday that the White House is "sending a message" to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Current and former intelligence officials, said to have direct knowledge of the plans, told NBC News in an an exclusive that the CIA has already been asked to deliver options for an operation to "embarrass" Putin and other Russian leaders.