What the Happiest Places Have in Common

The happiest places in the world are those where enlightened leaders shifted their focus from economic development to promoting quality of life. "The biggest predictors of happiness are tolerance, equality, and healthy life expectancy," Dan Buettner, a National Geographic writer and the author of The Blue Zones of Happiness , said Saturday at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is cohosted by The Aspen Institute and The Atlantic.

The Last Jedi’ is a hit, but how much did audiences like it?

This image released by Lucasfilm shows Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." With glowing reviews from critics and $450.8 million of worldwide box office in the first three days of release of "The Last Jedi," all would seem to be right in the "Star Wars" universe.

Alec Baldwin’s Trump on ‘SNL’ gets ‘Christmas Carol’-style haunting…

Alec Baldwin reprised his role as President Trump on "Saturday Night Live" in a cold open inspired by "A Christmas Carol." In the sketch, Baldwin as Trump is visited by "the ghost of witness flipped" Michael Flynn, the president's fired national security advisor , appearing in chains in the style of Charles Dickens' doomed ghost Jacob Marley.

Oscar Wilde NYC

Oscar Wilde, the author of "The Picture of Dorian Gray," "The Importance of Being Earnest," and infinite witticisms seemingly ready-made for Facebook-"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes"-is a revered cultural icon. Perhaps for the first time, though, he's being revered in NoMad, where a recently opened bar is named after him.

Confederate uniform

Video shows 21-year-old Allen Armentrout dressed in a Confederate uniform surrounded by protesters on Aug. 15, saluting a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee at Charlottesville's Emancipation Park, following the "Unite the Right" rally Aug. 12. According to his family history, Allen Armentrout's great-great-great-great grandfather once put on a Confederate uniform and went off to war for the losing side of the U.S. Civil War.

From the desk of… Trumpa s persecutors are going off the rails

In one of the latest examples of our information crisis, CNN took a story this week about how a friend of Donald Trump said after a meeting at the White House that he thought the president was considering firing Robert Mueller. Then the network sloppily repackaged the story so it could report that Trump was, in fact, thinking about terminating the special counsel.

In-Depth: Bill O’Reilly speaks out

During an interview Friday with Glenn Beck, another former Fox News Channel personality who was the subject of an advertiser boycott, Bill O'Reilly complained of a liberal "hit job" that did him in. "In the weeks to come we're going to be able to explain all of it," O'Reilly said in his first interview since he was fired on April 19. "It has to do with destroying voices that the far left and the organized left-wing cabal doesn't like."

‘The truth will come out,’ Bill O’Reilly says in podcast return

Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly returned to work Monday with his fervent delivery intact, despite a much lower profile. 'The truth will come out,' Bill O'Reilly says in podcast return Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly returned to work Monday with his fervent delivery intact, despite a much lower profile.

Media Bill O’Reilly’s troubles give viewers pause – but they still watch

With repercussions from the sexual harassment allegations against Bill O'Reilly rippling through the country this week, Kimberly JaJack, a longtime Fox News enthusiast, descended into her basement Wednesday, curled onto the sofa and clicked on the television. O'Reilly, the star she calls her primary news source, beamed into the room, already barreling into the questions of the day on "The O'Reilly Factor," the nation's No.