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Niki Savva also reports in her book that the shadow cabinet (of which Ley is the deputy leader) decided to downplay the issue.
ABC asks Ley if that was a mistake:
That’s not a description I would agree with. And I don’t comment of course on what happens in shadow cabinet.
Also revealed is that Josh Frydenberg put to Scott Morrison, you wouldn’t do it again, if you had you time over and Scott Morrison reportedly replied, ‘Yes, I would.’
Are you alarmed by that?
That’s a report of one person saying something to another. And you’re asking a third party who wasn’t privy to either.
Was this extreme overreach?
Well, I’m not a public commentator, I’m deputy leader of the opposition and both the former prime minister and the former treasurer are friends of mine and I actually note that they’re friends with each other, as Josh says in that report, so I’m not going to get into who said what and when.
But the question was, is it extreme overreach?
Well I’m just not a public commentator, I’m not going to engage.
With respect you’re the deputy leader of the Liberal party, you either think it’s extreme overreach, or you don’t.
I think the most important thing is what Peter Dutton and I said at the time – we will support any action or steps required to close the loophole that facilitated this and that includes legislative change, by the way.
So descriptions of what went on in the past, people can make those those comments, and they will and they have, but what I think people in the public need to hear is what we will do going forward and we have made that very clear.
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