Texas Sen. John Cornyn faults Democrats griping about tax bill for refusing participate in process

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn pushed back Sunday against Democrats griping about the tax reform bill, saying they have refused to participate despite being invited to do so by Republicans. "Our Democratic colleagues simply refused to participate in the process," Mr. Cornyn, Texas Republican, said on ABC's "This Week."

Minnesota governor will appoint his lieutenant, Tina F. Smith, to replace Franken in Senate

Alabama's surprising election outcome upended the expectations in both parties for next year's midterm campaigns, with Democrats emboldened by signs of a resurgent voter base and Republicans sensing new vulnerabilities. The victory Tuesday by Democrat Doug Jones to represent that heavily conservative state in the Senate was the latest example in a string of elections this year that Democratic leaders think represent a growing backlash against President Trump - and a potential building wave for 2018.

Toomey: Roy Moore should step aside over sex allegations

Republican Sen. Pat Toomey urged Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore on Sunday to drop out of the race, adding to the party's growing disavowal of the controversial judge in a pivotal election following allegations that he initiated sexual contact with a 14-year old girl decades ago. Toomey said Moore's explanations have been inadequate so far in response to The Washington Post report last week and that Republicans should consider current Sen. Luther Strange as a write-in candidate to run against Moore.

House GOP blocks Dems on child taxes as Senate bill emerges

As the House's tax-writing committee feverishly sprints toward a completed bill by week's end, the Senate's tax bill is starting to take shape. That version is expected to completely repeal the federal deduction for state and local taxes but retain the medical expense deduction.

GOP blocks Democratic efforts to boost tax benefits for parents

From left, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, and Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., speak following a weekly strategy session, on Capitol Hill in Washington today. WASHINGTON>> House Republicans today blocked Democratic efforts to secure bigger tax benefits for parents' costs of raising or adopting children, as they drove toward wrapping up their tax overhaul by week's end.

Maryland Lawmakers Back Mueller, Urge Action On Russia

It's WJZ Maryland's News Station. Click here for WJZ news stories Contact us with your tips, questions, comments & concerns! WJZ-TV anchors and reporters [] 105.7 The Fan VISIT THE 105.7 THE FAN HOMEPAGE Welcome to 105.7 The FAN on CBSBaltimore.com.105.7 along with WJZ-TV and CBS Sports Radio 1300 give you the best Baltimore has to offer.

When the Budget Resolution Isn’t About the Budget

Georgia GOP Sen. David Perdue is teaming up with a Democratic colleague, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, on amendments to the budget resolution that declare the process is basically absurd. When Sen. John McCain removed the suspense by announcing he would vote for the budget resolution moving through the Senate, the Arizona Republican made clear the ridiculousness of the exercise.

Democrats wonder if they can win in Alabama while GOP grapples with Roy Moore in DC

Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned in Alabama for Democratic Senate hopeful Doug Jones this week, and Steve Bannon is all in for Republican former judge Roy Moore. Jones' campaign has worked hard to convince Democrats to take seriously the former prosecutor's chances of defeating Moore -- the twice-removed former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice whose theocratic campaign message has alienated some moderate and pro-business Republicans.

Top Senate Democrat wants Turkish recognition of Armenian Genocide

PanARMENIAN.Net - Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer , a decades-long outspoken advocate of justice for the Armenian Genocide, has cosponsored bipartisan Senate legislation condemning that crime and calling for an end to international complicity in Turkish government denials, reported the Armenian National Committee of America . "It is my sacred duty to speak out against the terrors of the past and against those who cannot speak of it themselves and that's why I am a proud co-sponsor of this Senate resolution.

Trump’s OCC Chief Will Stay Away From Big Banks to Avoid Conflicts

The new acting chief of one of Washington's major banking regulators has agreed to stay away from issues involving dozens of former legal clients, including 14 banks that the agency oversees, according to his ethics agreement. Keith Noreika, who represented lenders as a private lawyer, plans to recuse himself from matters related to JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc., firms the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency regulates.  Democratic lawmakers had already questioned whether Noreika's close ties to the industry would prevent him from being an impartial watchdog.

Democrats rally with federal employees facing tough times under Trump

A bicameral but uni-partisan parade of legislators rallied with federal employees outside the Capitol on Thursday in a vigorous display of support for their pay, benefits and jobs. Seven representatives and one senator joined members of the National Treasury Employees Union in an enthusiastic demand for fair pay, fair play and respect.

Multi-Million Dollar Expansion For Baltimore Port

It's WJZ Maryland's News Station. Click here for WJZ news stories Contact us with your tips, questions, comments & concerns! WJZ-TV anchors and reporters Send us your weather and news photos Find out what is on WJZ-TV! Address: WJZ-TV 3725 Malden Avenue Baltimore, Maryland [...] 105.7 The Fan VISIT THE 105.7 THE FAN HOMEPAGE Welcome to 105.7 The FAN on CBSBaltimore.com.105.7 along with WJZ-TV and CBS Sports Radio 1300 give you the best Baltimore has to offer.

U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen to Visit UMES to Honor Harriett Tubman

U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen is scheduled to visit the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Monday when he plans to formally announce plans to introduce federal legislation honoring Harriett Tubman. Tubman, a Dorchester County native, is widely revered for helping slaves escape bondage during the mid-19th century.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric decried

Demonstrators gather for a rally supporting immigrant rights, Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017 in Chicago. Immigrant rights advocates are planning demonstrations across the country in what they're calling a "first salvo" against President-elect Donald Trump's pledged hard line on immigration.

Protesters across US decry Trumpa s anti-immigrant stance

Protesters gathered Saturday to support immigrant rights at rallies around the U.S., denouncing President-elect Donald Trump for his anti-immigrant rhetoric and his pledges to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and to crack down on Muslims entering the country. "We are not going to allow Donald Trump to bury the Statue of Liberty," Sen. Chris Van Hollen, a Maryland Democrat, told a standing-room-only crowd at historic African-American church in downtown Washington during one of dozens of rallies around the nation.

Immigrant rights demonstrators denounce Trump

Protesters gathered Saturday to support immigrant rights at rallies around the U.S., denouncing President-elect Donald Trump for his anti-immigrant rhetoric and his pledges to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and to crack down on Muslims entering the country. A standing-room-only crowd packed into a historic African American church in downtown Washington for one of dozens of rallies around the nation.